

Sunday, 27 March 2016

New cause for panic

I see the panic mongers are beginning to program the gullible among us to the effect that we are running short of water.

The We are going to die of thirst gang are going to add this to all the other panics soliciting funds such as:
--Human-generated Global warming,
--Human generated environmental degradation,
--Human-generated de-forestation,
--Human-generated air pollution,
--etc., etc.

Of all the hyped-up crap being offered in the media, so far, nobody has suggested that water shortages are confined almost exclusively to areas of third world human over-population. These are areas where people should not be living in the numbers recorded or there is no one among the leadership with enough initiative to get up and do something about it.

If the water they have to drink is unsuitable for human consumption, don't worry. Mother Nature does not hesitate to reduce the human infestations when unavoidable.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Massive Undertaking

Big headline in today's news is young Trudeau meeting with provincial politicians to tackle climate change.

Gee, if they can do that, maybe we ought to ask them to hasten the onset of spring and cancel next winter all together.

Now that the Climate change (Global Warming) cheerleaders have convinced the more gullible among us that we are responsible for what the climate is doing, it ought to be easy for us to see the logic in what our busy politicians are trying to do. Or maybe not.

What arrogance! And what abysmal disregard for the global forces that govern this planet's dynamics!

I can hardly wait to see what this new crop of geniuses is going to do next.