

Thursday, 23 June 2016

The Orlando Slaughter:

Whatever the reason for the slaughter in the gay bar in Orlando, it might have been predicted.

The sexually indeterminate minorities are not hard to take in small doses, but when they organize into a mob that succeeds in bullying spineless mayors and unprincipled politicians into endorsing their every move, some push-back might be expected.

And not just from radical Muslims. Their aggressive activism will ultimately make radical Islam with its Sharia laws incrementally less menacing for the silent majorities.

At this point, young Trudeau's handlers, who haven't made many errors so far in getting him elected, should be agonizing over their decision to allow him to troll for Liberal party votes by joining the gay circus in Vancouver.

A quick re-think should be in order.

Premier Brad Wall

Every time we read something about what Premier Brad Wall of Saskatchewan says or does, we are reminded that not all politicians are climate change gullible and focused only on getting re-elected.

That is why Saskatchewanians, who obviously have more time to think than is available to busy Torontonians, keep re-electing him with a thumping majority.

And that's good.

Here in Ontario, we've come to expect that politics is a game that is being played behind closed doors, out of public view and not necessarily for the taxpayer's benefit.