

Sunday 28 August 2016

Trump the Grump:

Obviously, Trump is displeased with the way his image is being dissected in the media.

It may be that he doesn't understand media hype.

Media is in the business of dressing up every news item to grab the attention of a maximum number of viewers.

The electronic media in particular, is in the business of selling mouthwash, super-absorbent diapers and hair club products for men. Their aim is to hold the viewer's attention long enough to imprint these ad images in as many viewers' brains as possible and provoke them to rush right out and buy things. This is not an easy task.

Think news. It begins with the local burnings, killings and crack-ups. When they run out of those, they move on to the manufactured news--the antics of aggressive activist mobs for the sexually indeterminate, the Black Lives Matter, the irretrievably P.O'd feminists, the latest aboriginal demands complete with much thumping and stomping, and such.

When those run out, they move on to political no-nos--things Trump and Clinton had better not be caught doing.

Finally, when they've exhausted all of the above, they begin interviewing the mothers of kids that have gone astray and got themselves killed. The more tears, the better. When an innocent bystander gets shot on bad news days, she may be elevated to sainthood by the media faster than Mother Theresa.

For these and other nightmare scenarios, smart viewers will have an alternate channel dialed in for quick switch and their thumb poised at the ready. I recommend channels 265 and 284 for quick change. If you're a history buff, Channel 631 is a good bet.

On the really bad news days, they proceed to canonize cops who were killed in the performance of their duties. Everybody becomes a hero. 

Since it is impossible to have nothing but newsworthy events all the time, Trump has to accept the fact that he can get targeted for the smallest social infractions, and he's had some whoppers. Clinton somehow escapes the same microscopic scrutiny.

Sun columnist Thomas Sowell summed up the US presidential campaign brilliantly when he suggested that only Hillary can get Trump elected.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Early Programming:

Featured in the electronic media this week were a bunch of noisy rabble rousers busily bent on programming kindergarten level kids to become activists like their mommies when they grow up.

Lucky kids. They will not have to wait until they are teenagers before they can begin stealing bicycles and thumbing their noses at the cops.

These activists appear to see our society as not chaotic enough. What they need is total anarchy and disrespect for the law. Chipping away at police authority will do that.

If there are enough activists clamoring for reduced police authority in our current social consciousness, it won't be long before opportunistic politicians see it as a cornucopia of votes and jump in to sponsor it.

Thursday 4 August 2016

World Leaders

As predicted, this week the electronic media was full of Hillary good, Trump bad items, complete with pictures. 

The leader of France was pondering which mosques should be shut down to reduce home-grown terror.

The British leader was busy trying to sort out how to ease their way out of the European huddle as painlessly as possible.

The US leader was busy telling Americans what a fantastic leader Hillary would make.

Our Canadian leader was highlighted three days in a row as being the first leader ever to march in the Vancouver Gay Pride parade. 
