

Friday 24 March 2017

Heavy cost of BS::

In Ontario, we are now paying ridiculous hydro rates as a result of about 40 years of media-hyped propaganda re: Human-Generated Environmental Degradation.

It is the Green Energy part of Save the Planet sloganeering that stampeded political minds like those of Dalton McGuilty and Kathleen Wynn into mortgaging the futures of all Ontarians whose lives are geared to the use of electricity. 

These avant-garde Liberal thinkers took electricity, a moderately-priced modern day necessity, and converted it into an expensive luxury not everyone can afford.

We know who supported the hyped up environmental propaganda and made sure it was presented as a steady diet to a gullible Canadian public. It was easy for people who watched CBC to mistake David Suzuki's apocalyptic environmental hype for serious scientific fact.

And there's no escaping it. Schools and universities are still teaching it. Incredibly, there are many people out there, including our Prime Minister, who actually think they can do something about climate change.

Climate will change when planetary dynamics trigger it. All we can do is try to adapt the best we can when it happens. It shouldn't be too difficult. Our ancestors did that with varying degrees of success for millions of years and there were few PhDs and Rhodes Scholars among them.

And, while young Trudeau can posture all he likes for the immature masses, all the politicians who signed the Paris Accord can, in reality, do exactly zip about it.

Among world leaders, the only one who appears to be aware of this and willing to ignore the hype is Donald Trump. Nor is there much evidence of China, Russia and India panicking over it.

Thursday 23 March 2017


We don't know for sure if Iqra Khalid's Motion M-103 singling out Islamophobia as a political no-no is an attempt at selective free speech control or just a political fog meant to divert our attention from an unpalatable Liberal budget.

They were probably hoping that by the time we stopped arguing about that hot potato, an inflationary budget could be sneaked past us unnoticed. It's an old political trick.

Justin Trudeau has made a big deal of being a feminist and loading 50% of his cabinet with women. It is quite clear that experience, intellectual qualifications, administrative capability and overall suitability all take a back seat to sex. That comes first.

Evaluating Iqra Khalid by Justin Trudeau's own measuring stick, most men would probably rate her at least an A+. Not many women in his cabinet are so well qualified.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Trump Troubles::

Isn't there someone near Donald Trump who can rap his knuckles every time he reaches for that cell phone? Is it possible to delete his Twitter account? Surely there's a secure land line for him to use in the Oval Office.

Trouble with Trump is that he is not a politician. Neither does he think like one. He appears utterly incapable of smooth double-speak or telling lies convincingly.

Fortunately, these are the very qualities that make him so essential to the people who voted for him.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Chrystia Freeland:

The war of words between the Liberal spin doctors and the Russian undercover types re: Chrystia Freeland, Trudeau's Foreign Affairs minister, needs some clarification.

Apparently Russki spooks have issued a missive to the effect that her grandfather was editor of a Nazi publication back in the Ukraine during WWII. No surprise there. Lots of people did things like that.

Josef Stalin's administration of the Ukraine during the '30s was so draconian that the Nazis were welcomed by many as liberators and really nice guys when, a decade later, they rolled their panzers through the Ukraine.

When Joe needed food to prove to the outside world how efficiently his communist system was working, he sent his apparatchiks on a trick-or-treat expedition throughout the Ukraine, stripping it of anything edible. This resulted in the Holodomor (famine) that killed millions, according to reliable sources.

Following the war, many of the Ukrainians who had found it expedient to work for the Nazis because it was necessary to survive during the occupation, looked for exit visas to other countries. They had to avoid being identified as Nazi collaborators.

Among them were butchers, bakers and candlestick makers and maybe even a few editors. They were quietly absorbed into the Ukrainian communities in the western world. To Canadians, they were just DPs--Displaced Persons who needed a new life. It was the least we could do.

The ones who settled in my home town evolved into good Canadian citizens, a credit to their communities. Unlike some of the more recent immigrants from the Gulf states, who also got elected to Justin Trudeau's Liberal government, they did not bring their political and religious baggage with them.

This may or may not shed some light on our Foreign Affairs Minister's saga.

Friday 10 March 2017

Vladimir Putin:

The lefty US media finds fault with the way Vladimir Putin and the Russians followed the recent US elections with unprecedented interest. 

No mystery there. The possibility of at last having a US leadership open to a logical degree of situational awareness might be viewed as a welcome change by the members of the Russian government.

Many of the scribes in the US Media Party busily working to hammer an uncomfortable wedge between the US and the Russian administrations are too young to remember what it was like to live under the constant stress of a cold war. Their reckless heroism comes straight from ignorance.

Vladimir Putin is described as a tough guy tolerating little nonsense. If he's managed to suppress the Islamic lunatic fringe, drain the swamp and keep the militant special interest mafias from corrupting spineless politicians within his borders, he rates an A++.

Apparently, he's done all that and his 90% approval rating at home reflects it.

It ought to be correct to interpret the election of Donald trump in the US as a fervent hope by the electorate that the same thing might be achieved in their back yard.

The politically correct media campaign is not limited to the US. An article appearing in MacLean's Magazine in Toronto warns the gullible that Putin is aiming to invade Canada. 

I don't think I'm going to lose much sleep over that one. 

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Draining the Swamp.

The media is busy dissecting President Trump's speech to Congress, but there is little evidence they caught on to what was really important. None of the items seen so far referred to the president's plan to "Drain the Swamp".

It may be that I'm assigning too much importance to this plan, but I don't think so. Draining the swamp as Trump put it, means rooting out the behind-the-scenes deals and corruption that has festered in Washington over the years, out of sight of the voting public.

Trump emphasized in his address the need to gut the rampant lobbyist culture and make a further continuation of such practices illegal.

To my mind, this means getting rid of all those sweetheart deals between the people who contract military and commercial supply and the people who handle the money. 

Trump sees something amiss in a new military jet costing a couple of billion dollars. He sees someone cutting himself into a deal somewhere between the buyer and the seller.

Such practices would be familiar to concert goers in Toronto who cannot purchase a ticket to see their favorite entertainers because there are none available at the ticket office. They have all been swept up beforehand by someone who will add a substantial amount to their cost before reselling them to the suckers.

There is no value in such a deal either to the performers or the performance place. The inflated profit goes to the guy in the middle who contributed nothing, but managed to cut himself into the deal with the help of an accomplice at the ticket office.

That part of the president's address was important and Americans should hope he succeeds among politicians whose help he will need to make it happen. Not knowing if some of those politicians helped themselves first will make that risky and interesting. 

The harder they lobbied against Trump, the more likely they have something personal to hide from the people who elected them.

Tackling this form of corruption was an important part of Trump's address, but apparently, few in the media saw it that way. Almost no evidence of that in the articles I was able to access.

No doubt it's a good example of what the lefty media is doing--accenting the negatives while ignoring the positives. At least they are correct in evaluating Draining the Swamp as a good positive for them to ignore.