

Sunday 29 October 2017

Quebec's Hijab vote:

The Quebec administration's vote to disallow face coverings where identification is required is without question the right thing to do. Anything else would have been foolish and irresponsible.

Ontario's gutless politicians, led by Kathleen Wynn, immediately jumped in and used the occasion to suck up to minority groups in the hope that they will ignore the administration's fiscal fiascos and vote for them anyway.

Those silly hijabs are cultural and religious baggage people should have left behind in the communities they escaped from in coming to Canada. Persistence in their right to use them here is the same as walking around with a middle finger extended to everyone they meet.

These people, including male family members who require their women to dress like that, should be exported on a slow boat back to where women go trick-or-treating the year 'round.

It's nice to see that there are some clear-thinking politicians left in Canada who are not afraid to exercise logic where it is needed even if it is politically incorrect and non-inclusive.

The Quebec administration has done that. If they are going to drain any political swamps in La Belle Provence, that's a good start.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Easy Sainthood:

Previous to his untimely demise, Gord Downie's music was not a factor in my life. I stopped paying attention to popular music about 40 years ago. Persistent media hype at the 6 pm news brought him to my attention and dismissal all in one shot. 

A solid 15 minutes of breathless tribute is a good indicator that there really was no significant news other than this media elevation to sainthood.

Justin Trudeau's tearful performance before the cameras brought to mind the fact he is, first and foremost, a drama coach. A+ for that performance, Justin. You did good.

The Canadian flag being lowered to half mast was a bit much. To my mind, it demonstrates the degree to which we Canadians are starved for real heroism.

We seem ripe for some major catastrophe to snap our social consciousness back into a more realistic perspective.

Thursday 19 October 2017

Climate Change:

The global warming/climate change cheerleaders have taken to calling all those who do not subscribe to their nonsense deniers.

Here's the truth: There is no denial of climate change, only of humanity's ability to change it.

We can change ourselves to adapt to climate change, but the politicians who try to scam us into believing that they can do something about it are lying through their teeth, hoping we will believe them.

All that panic about carbon trading and emissions is just political scams used to levy more taxes, increase bureaucracies and garner more votes from a semi-conscious electorate.

They have the right to treat the electorate like a bunch of idiots. We elected them, didn't we?

Friday 13 October 2017


What's the point of a Hallowe'en without monsters?

When we sort out all of the monsters that have shambled through our imaginations from early childhood, we have to conclude that the scariest were actually human.

Well, sort of....

Among the scariest were Vlad the Impaler, Attila the Hun, Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Pol Pot and Chairman Mao. Each was credited with the deaths of millions of people.

Probably the most monstrous of the lot was Josef Stalin, who died back in '53 and, instead of being pickled like a cuke and preserved under glass like Lenin, was plugged into the Kremlin wall along with some other lesser political notables.

Stalin was recently resurrected in the media at the death of his grandson, Evgeni Dzugashvili. 80-year-old Evgeni died last December. His obit said he spent his lifetime trying to repair his grandpa's severely fractured reputation.

We don't know exactly how Evgeni defended his grandpa's image, but it could not have been easy. Trying to make grandpa Josef's image into something less monstrous than the historic account must have taken some doing.

Compared to him, Ivan the Terrible (Ivan Grozny) was a real Boy Scout. While Ivan killed members of his own family as well as anyone within easy reach, Josef is widely viewed as a monster who killed more Russians than Hitler's invading Nazis.

Evgeni's defense of his grandpa's image might have flashed back to when Josef was a teenager; not very tall, not very athletic, with a left arm that didn't easily co-operate when he tried to use it. While not exactly patched together by a Dr. Frankenstein, Josef was said to be quite bright, an avid reader and a good student. 

His questionable physical equipment prompted his parents to send him to clerical school. They probably figured he could do with only one useful hand what needed to be done as a priest in the Russian Orthodox Church. 

But young Josef got into some shady company at the academy--the kind that hatches on almost any college campus today--where the energetic young heroes decide they have the answers to all of mankind's problems even before they learn how to pick up their dirty sox off the floor and put them in the wash.

This gang
of radicals saw Karl Marx as their spiritual guide. Their leaders were Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Leon Trotsky. Soon Josef found himself in the eye of the Communist hurricane, doing records and secretarial duties for this bunch of anarchists. 

Josef was quick enough to realize he was at the control center of what was happening, with access to information not easily available to the rest of the mob. Quite correctly, he saw this as an advantage.

When the Tsar's family was taken to distant Ekaterinburg and murdered, it should be a fair guess that was the occasion that gave Josef Dzugashvili a scary new perspective. It is possible that he looked with some concern at the squad of killers who calmly walked into a basement room and shot to pieces the Tsar, Tsarina, four young daughters and one little haemophiliac tsarevitch, then disposed of the corpses in secret locations. 

Who could blame him if, at
that point, he secretly thought to himself, "Is this the kind of murderous scum I'm going to have to identify with from now on?"

It would be surprising if that was not the turning point in young Josef's revolutionary career. So, when Lenin, the man who most likely ordered the Tsar's family execution died, he was ready. He had a plan in place to get Leon Trotsky out of the way and take charge of this dangerous gang of knuckle-dragging primates all by himself, if only for his own safety.

Trotsky's sudden exit in Mexico with an ice pick hammered into his skull was reported on radio one bright August morning in 1940. This left Josef in charge with no challenge to his leadership.

It should be a fair guess that the mass murder of the Tsar's family was the turning point that made mild little Josef Dzugashvili into Josef Stalin, the man of steel.

It is uncertain if this string of events was ever the scenario Evgeni arrived at in his grandpa's defense, but it's a fair guess it might have been, because it is logical. 

That ought to be a valid attempt to explain at least one monster lurking in the dark shadows under humanity's collective bedstead this Hallowe'en night.

Note: The Word Tsar in reference to the rulers of Russia is probably incorrect. A more correct translation from the Cyrillic script should probably be Tse-zar, which is closer to Kaiser or Caesar, the Latin term it was borrowed from.

Saturday 7 October 2017

The Oil Pipeline:

Pinching off the Trans-Canada oil pipeline proposal makes sense only if you believe that all surface and air transit will go electrical before such a pipeline can be paid off.

Of course, that's the same kind of thinking Dalton McGinty and Kathleen Wynne were guilty of when they bombed power stations and signed lucrative deals to erect those costly and inefficient windmills in Ontario.

It's futuristic, typically-Liberal thinking that takes the economy into the wrong future.

Once again, by ignoring the need to create employment that includes Western Canada and reduces the need to buy oil from the gulf states, the members of the Trudeau administration demonstrate new levels of incompetence.

Too busy feathering their own nests while seeking new ways to tax the working folk.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Jagmeet Singh:

Jagmeet Singh is obviously a new type of political party leader in Canada.

His carefully-groomed Sikh attire provokes a question that needs to be asked. 

Does he want us to view him as a Canadian, or simply as a Sikh living in Canada? Which is more important to him?

It may be that this is a question many members of the electorate will be asking themselves before they mark their ballot.