

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Gas Price:

Canadians who still believe that the carbon taxes are no big deal are invited to have a look at our gas prices here in Ontario. 

Today I did a fill-up at $1.05 per litre. That hasn't happened here since before the McGinty Liberals took charge 15 years ago. Gas prices were pushing $1.40 before our electorate here reduced Kathleen Wynn's Cap-and-Trade majority to non-party status a few months ago.

We should also pay attention to what is happening in Europe this week. They are fighting in the streets of Paris with Riot police trying to push back angry motorists no longer as concerned with climate change as with increasingly unaffordable gas prices. 

That is a direct result of the carbon taxes that have been adopted by the progressives across the pond who have bought the UN-sponsored propaganda to the effect that they are guilty of causing global warming and climate change.

Since Justin Trudeau appears to pay no attention to what is happening, let us hope that the electorate is more aware.

Monday 26 November 2018

GM's Commitment?

So GM is shutting down its factories in Oshawa, ON with the view of converting to a new future of private transportation.

Let's hope that future has not been determined by media hype and coffee-counter science, the forces most likely responsible for the global warming and climate change theories.

GM spokespeople talk of self-driving vehicles and electric cars. That probably needs a bit of revised thinking.

Electric vehicles will need a phased-in infrastructure to equip homes with suitable voltages. So the key word here is phased-in. No crash conversion.

Self-driving vehicles will also need to be phased in, because most people will feel a self-driving vehicle is just not worth the bother. Why not just take public transit?

I'm an old fossil from a past generation. Modern vehicles are already a let down for me. No longer is it possible to match one's driving skills with a clutch and a neat, nicely-synchronized manual four-on-the-floor to play coherent highway tunes on a responsive vehicle.

It is to be hoped that the decision makers at GM, Ford and the other auto manufacturers take the time to factor in the influence of media hype and publicity-hungry science before making any solid commitments.

There is also the question of electronic efficiency. Naturally, all the electronic people promote their stuff as gospel, but how good is it actually? There is always the thought that much of it only adds new layers of complexity to problems that would have been better left to human evolution instead of being committed to technology.

Sunday 18 November 2018

Who Needs Industry?

Robin hood robbed the rich and gave to the poor, according to popular British mythology.
Justin Trudeau appears to be planning to do the same. He plans to extract money from industry and use it to buy votes.

How clever. First he taxes industry on the theory that they are damaging the planet. Next, he uses the money to bribe voters on the pretense that he is replacing the added costs we must pay while buying everything from gasoline and groceries, to running shoes. 

Absolutely everything we buy will cost more because of inflated costs industry will have to pay Ottawa on the pretense that this will somehow reduce a pair of paper tigers--global warming and climate change. 

Monday 12 November 2018

Political Scam:

The carbon-killing scheme constructed by our prime Minister and his sexually-balanced cabinet easily qualifies as a not very funny joke.

Here's how I understand it: 

1) Ottawa taxes all heavy industry in Canada, each according to it's alleged carbon footprint;

2)Heavy industry, including farming, transit, transport and oil, mining, etc., raises the cost of its products in order to stay in business.

3)When we go out to buy things, we pay sharply higher prices for ordinary everyday items, including groceries, to compensate for the political levies on industry.

4)Canada Revenue Agency comes to the rescue, compensating us for increased costs and, by the way, buying votes.

)This money-go-Around is supposed to improve our carbon footprint, reduce Global Warming and prevent the climate from changing.

Does anyone else see this as a poorly considered scam that might have been cooked up as an exercise in a fourth-grade classroom?

The Ottawa politicians obviously view the electorate as incapable of thinking things all the way through to a logical conclusion.

They're probably right. Look who we elected.