

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Embarassing Leadership:

Indian leader Amarinder Singh is reported to have viewed Trudeau's act of striking out references to Sikh extremism here in Canada as a solid contribution to international terrorism. 

Obviously, over in India they do not approve of that kind of behaviour. Nor should we. 

We will have to wait until the fall election to see how many Canadian voters think that sort of behaviour by our leadership candidates is okay..

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Liberal Fallout:

Coffee counter politicians are speculating on the potential of Liberal caucus dropouts Rayboult and Philpott being snapped up by the Tories or the NDPs now that they are on the loose.

Maybe not. All party decision makers are well aware of candidates in the past who could not be fitted into team politics. A political party is not a political party if it cannot work as a team.

The provincial Tories have Randy Hillier and an earlier dropout. Not too long ago, Parliament Hill had Belinda Stronach briefly. There were others, too easily forgotten to mention, who should never have gone ahead and got elected on a party ticket. 

None of them ever did anything constructive or memorable with their actions before they faded into the footnotes of parliamentary lore.

The truth is, a political party--any political party--is viewed by the electorate as having one leader, a group of ministers and a truckload of back benchers. It could quite safely be said that they vote for the party, not the individuals.

Aspiring politicians should be prepared to think logically, not emotionally.

Thursday 4 April 2019

Aren't we Lucky?

Aren't we lucky that we have guys like Justin Trudeau and Gerald Butts looking after our interests?

Up to and until about 10 years ago, climate science told us that we were in the process of emerging from a glacial period--an earth that looked more like a snowball a few million years ago. It was variously estimated that the area where Toronto now sits was under a sheet of ice about two miles thick. Its weight created the Niagara Escarpment.

Look what the media did with that. 

"Wow!! Global warming!! Rising oceans!! Prepare to evacuate coastal cities!! Melting Arctic. What will the poor Polar bears do??"

Of course, nothing out of the ordinary was happening, and we still endured cold winters. So the brain trust at the UN morphed global warming into Climate change and helped launch a few video documentaries that are about as phoney as a $3 bill for us to view and lose sleep over..

But history is full of global warming and climate change. There is evidence of climate change in the rocks for everyone to see. And it all happened before the era of coal-fired hydro smokestacks and hydrocarbon spewing motor vehicles.

So, did this stop the planet-saving heroes and their cheerleaders from carrying on the scary propaganda? Were David Suzuki and Al Gore even paying attention?

Now we have Justin Trudeau and Gerald Butts launching a sneaky new strategy--taxing Climate Change into submission. If they tax us enough, this will somehow stop millions of years of climate change dead in its tracks.

Should we be grateful? Unfortunately, we must withhold showing our gratitude until the fall election.