

Sunday, 19 January 2020

Quick Maturity:

Those clever devils in charge of our Liberal leader in Ottawa have almost instantly enhanced his public image by hiding his razor.

He's beginning to look more mature every day.

Now we have to listen carefully to see if he sounds more mature.

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Phoney Surveys:

Surveys conducted by the electronic media should not be taken seriously. They can be tailored to show a pre-determined result.

It is not easy to believe that any parents of school children being used as hostages in a teacher's strike for less work and more pay would approve of what their hard-earned tax money is buying..

Yet, the media comes up with numbers clearly designed to give viewers the impression that an overwhelming majority of parents approve of this.

Getting the right answers is easy. Media snoops
stick a microphone and camera in as many people's faces as they need to get the answers they want. They discard the rest.

Then they down play or disregard entirely the other side of the story and present this as news.

Monday, 6 January 2020

Sloppy News Editing:

News editors in the electronic media have a tendency to allow hyperbole to get in the way of accuracy.

CBC News re: that Iranian general who was de-activated somewhat abruptly on Friday referred to the event as "murdered".

Not surprising to see this kind of hype in US leftist media bias, but we should expect better from Canada's taxpayer-sponsored purveyors of world events. 

Only civilians are murdered. Soleimani was not a civilian. He was described as a high-ranking military type who thought he was operating below the radar. His job was to quietly rub out people whenever Iran's mullahs thought they needed that service.

The US saw to it that he was de-activated permanently. That event should not be described as "murder" just to make Donald Trump look bad. He was "killed" like all military personnel who are terminated.