

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Resisting Arrest:

There is a ridiculously simple solution for not being hurt while getting caught breaking the law: don't fight.

If you're not guilty, the law will turn you loose. If guilty, they'll assign a recommended punishment.

Simplest solution, of course, is don't break the law if you can help it.

Resisting arrest is just asking for it. It's plain dumb. And dangerous.

Sunday 23 August 2020

Navy Seal Grounded:

I like the story about the ex-US Navy Seal who was banned from flying Delta because he refused to wear a Covid mask. 

Apparently, he's the guy who was first to dash up the stairs and knock off Osama Bin Laden during that sneaky raid a few years ago. 

Obviously, a guy who went through an event that had a better than even chance of being suicidal, might regard the political sanitary regulation as trivial.

Entirely apart from how proper it was for him to disregard regulations he might consider nonsensical, it ought to be easy for us to understand his attitude, or even applaud it.

Saturday 22 August 2020

Fake News?

Donald Trump has been accused of not knowing the difference between real news and fake news.

The obvious explanation is that fake news happens when the program runs out of real news.

That's when they run out of murders, highway crashes, train wrecks, shootings, knifings and collisions, the weather man has run out of predictions, and there is still 15 minutes to go before the next time slot.

They have no choice but to reach into their garbage bin full of footage stored for just such occasions. That material can quite safely be called fake news because it can be aired at any time with little or no adjustment. It's not news.

This usually includes such things as Gay Pride parades, Black Lives Matter riots, Aboriginal demands, exploits from Lunatic Fringe Islam, Climate Change, Global Warming and other special interest trivia. 

Fake News on Social media is another matter. Unedited, it can be quite scatological, often unfit for family viewing.

Anyhow, I think Trump knows what he's talking about. He just hasn't the time to explain it to each nattering critic.. 


Friday 14 August 2020

Back to School?

School classes should return to normal this fall. 

Even if the quality of education may not be so great, the children should not be deprived of the most important part of their education--human interaction in a classroom environment. 

Unfortunately, the teachers' unions' adversarial stance with the province has nothing at all to do with education. It's all about financial gain. 

Children's education means nothing when they want to arm wrestle and keep winning as they have under previous administrations.

As for Covid 19, cases of kids succumbing to it are hard to find. And the media and health authorities appear to be pushing number of infections while ignoring actual casualties. Is it because they are so few?. 

It ought not to qualify as an issue to deprive kids of their learning.

Thought Control:

It would appear that having a squad of thought police looking over your shoulder at all times is no longer just a bad joke. 

Incredibly, there are people trying to make it illegal to think prejudicial thoughts.

It originates among groups of protesters that appear ready to do away with all law and order.