

Friday 4 September 2020

Sustained Panic:

 Top health gurus and electronic media appear to keep stirring the Covid 19 cauldron for as long as they can. 

It's the hypothetical Second Wave they're concerned with right now. And after that, no doubt the Third Wave.

Actual casualties from The First wave have averaged out to a very mild fraction of a single percentage point among the infected, nearly exclusively among vulnerable elders. 

Still, our top health guru makes a big deal of continuing lockdowns and regulations while we wait for that ever elusive vaccine. 

No vaccine is available. Every lab is said to be working furiously to produce something they can market that's unlikely to kill us.

If these experts have their way, they will soon make it illegal for anyone to refuse their flu shots

Tuesday 1 September 2020

How to Create Prejudice:

 Normally, most of us do not sit around thinking about the color of the skin of our friends and neighbors. 

Not until someone makes an issue of it.

It is brought to our attention almost daily by those protesters rioting in the streets every time someone gets hurt resisting arrest while committing an offense..

Those riots are claimed to be about gaining racial equality. They are not. There is no such thing as racial equality. Equality is individual. It's only for those who personally qualify. Nobody has ever gained equality by joining a gang. The only equality thus gained is with the other losers in that gang. 

Those rioters are looking to have it handed to them instead of working for it like everyone else. Their aim appears to be to gain easy access to preferential positions without actually qualifying. 

We are not hearing from the smartest or most dedicated among them. We are hearing from the lowest common denominator. That includes the loudest and most aggressive activists. They are the ones we see and hear as the electronic media sticks a mike and camera lens in their faces for news filler material..