

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Food Costs:

 Think your grocery costs are climbing out of reach? It's nothing yet. Wait until Ottawa's carbon tax kicks in.

It's being hinted on the media that the grocery costs' weekly climb is due to the pandemic. 

Not quite. Added security is not the only reason. We tend to ignore the effects of the carbon tax about to be imposed on Canadian industry.

That's the Trudeau team's devilishly clever campaign to bring global warming and climate change to a screeching halt.

So the farmers, truckers, and practically everyone who gets up to work in the morning are being taxed according to their evil carbon footprint. 

Who pays? It would appear that anticipation of the cost of increased taxation is being downloaded onto the tomatoes, lettuce, poultry, butter, sour cream and everyting else they haul to market. 

The truckers add to it the cost of their fuel, tires, service and repairs. 

People who drive cars will pay at the pump. 

People who own homes will pay more for hydro and heat. 

People who rent will find the increased cost attached to their monthly rental.

Don't believe it when they tell you the extra bucks it costs will be returned. Who's going to pay the cost of the new bureaucracy administering this sorry scheme?.

It's easy to forget about that one when the media has been rattling on about Covid 19 during every waking hour.

So we spend all our time re-inforcing our concern about the pandemic. We have no time to think about the effects of that carbon tax grab on two imaginary problems--global warming, which is fictional, and climate change, a completely natural, vital component of life and evolution.

Climate change has been going on for millions of years, but no one's raised a fuss over it before the advent of the internet and instananeous electronics.

There is no mystery. No great  threats. When the climate changes, all life on the planet simply adapts to it. 

Apparently the Liberal politicians are looking for ways to get their fiscal hooks into it. They see the carbon footprint tax as an opportunity to get their hands a little deeper into our pockets.

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Seasonal Chemicals:

'Tis the season to be jolly.

And why not? There's little to feel jolly about in the midst of a most efficient culling of the human herd.

So we do what we can. In the privacy of our homes we can indulge in whatever makes us happy. Usually, it's food and drink.

So. If you're among those who like to enhance the mood with a few libations, here's some advice..

If it's food, it might include wine. That's because wine is a food. 

Beer is a food, too. It is especially useful if there are a few teenagers in the group. Not too dangerous for inexperienced drinkers. They'll probably throw up and go to sleep before becoming obnoxious and unruly.

Distilled liquor is the way to go for adults who can handle it. This includes scotch, rye, bourbon, gin, vodka, and the liqueurs. All of these have had the impurities removed through distillation. Very few headaches left to ambush inexperienced drinkers who tend to overindulge.

Take Scotch for example. Apparently barley grows well in the Highlands. The Scots convert it to malt, add yeast and make beer out of it.

But they don't drink the beer. They run it through a still to make scotch.

But, not so fast. Those canny Scots know from experience that a small fraction of that distillate that evaporates just before ethanol is poisonous. They isolate it and dump it. 

Every responsible distiller does the same thing. That is why there are fewer headaches in a bottle of profesionally distilled liquor than in either beer or wine.

Now that you're aware of this, keep it in mind when you're doing your best to cope with Covid, and have a merry Christmas, Hannukah, or whatever.

Sunday 13 December 2020

They Still Don't Get It:

Our silly politicians on Parliament Hill are about to make another tax grab to save this world from global warming and climate change.

They're going to hit our staggering economy with that stupid carbon tax.

This is happening right in the middle of our planet's powerful demonstration that it needs no help in maintaining it's own health.

Are the backroom boys who write our PM's speeches trying to make him look foolish? 

If they are, they're too late.

Monday 7 December 2020

Destroying Lives:

 Which will destroy more lives: Covid 19 or the medical establishment and the administration?

While the Corona Virus is picking off vulnerable humans, the administrations are destroying the way healthy people are trying to make a living.

It's not an easy decision to make. With people conditioned by media hype to buy the narrative, politicians feel safe to go along with medical authorities.

Hundreds (maybe thousands) of people showing up to support the opening of the barbecue joint in Etobicoke Thursday should have been evidence enough that the lock-down has now gone far enough.

Apparently not. A hundred or so cops showed up to arrest the proprietor and put him in custody.

It's not enough that mainly the vulnerable succumb to the plague. The medical community and politicians are now going after healthy people just trying to make a living.

Problem here will be trying to assign the casualties to their proper cause--the virus or the lockdowns. 

Friday 4 December 2020

Free Shot:

 The Covid 19 media campaign has degenerated into a political battle over who gets the vaccines first when and if they arrive.

I can help. They can have mine.

I'm not trying to be heroic. I just feel a vaccine that's been rushed into production because someone else might have one on the market sooner is probably not what I would like to have injected into my personal ecosystem.

I'm willing to wait a while to see how many of the early recipients survive before collecting my allotment.