

Thursday 27 May 2021

(In)Justice System:

 Isn't there something wrong with a judicial system that allows someone to publicly accuse someone else of behaviour deemed anti-social without revealing who is making the accusation?

Women have been fighting for equality with men in almost every field. They got it. And now it's time to give them equality before the law courts. When a complaint is registered against a male, the person making the complaint should get equal billing.

Any media publicizing such an accusation without including the name of the person making the complaint should be held punishable by the law. Media reporters and editors engaged in such practices should be held to account for it by the courts.

No more media trials. Too many lives have been ruined by the publication of unsubstantiated events alleged to have happened away back in high school. 

Correcting this legal gap is long overdue..

Friday 14 May 2021

Dismantling Catholicism:

A Catholic school board is being bullied into changing a basic rule in its marriage rituals. That rule recognizes marriage as a contract between man and woman.

The sexually indeterminate groups are busy manipulating media editors into changing the lifestyle of entire communities to fit theirs. 

Their tool is a gaily-colored "rainbow" flag they use to gain the attention of media editors for news coverage. They demand that the schools raise the rainbow flag above all others to show how accepting they are of the LGBTQetc lifestyle. 

Busy editors see such material as handy freebies. It is viewed as filler material for those embarassing program gaps when there is nothing of any actual news value to insert between their advertising messages.

It is reported that the Catholic school board being thus challenged is not exactly ready to give in. It seems some of those board members would stubbornly like to keep things as they are.

Why these special interest groups do not go after civil law unions for their specific needs is the question. Law courts are where even the most difficult criminal cases are successfully dealt with.

The Catholic school board members now find themselves in the position to defend the beliefs of virtually all major religious faiths.

It is a heavy responsibility. Discarding beliefs and regulations that have worked fine for thousands of years needs serious reflection.

Saturday 1 May 2021

What Will it be??

When the corona virus finally finishes its work, allowing humanity to return to normal, what will that new normal be?

Are we going to return to looking for someone to blame for all grievances, be they personal, political, social or historic? 

Or is the virus going to inject a little much-needed perspective into our lives? 

That is what happened during the war years. That is why the post-war years were so productive of positive human effort. There was a big lesson recently learned. People were now ready to accept what was happening to them as much better than fighting for their lives.

Nobody felt automatically entitled to everything within reach.