

Monday 31 January 2022

Poor Planning::

 Whoever organized that truckers' protest on Parliament Hill didn't quite think it through.

They should have cut off all deliveries to Ottawa. About three days without food, supplies, garbage pickup and toilet paper would have got the top politicians out of hiding real quick.

Saturday 22 January 2022

Vaxx Faxx?

Favorite Interviewer Steve Paikin usually has good, well-managed discussions going. Lately it's been Covid.

Whether vaxx holdouts should be forced to get poked drew some strong opinions. What it showed more than anything else is that the line between a democratic society and an intolerant one is thin.

Two of his guests were inclined to let the individual decide. The other two exhibited tendencies that haven't been seen since the 1940s in occupied Europe. 

One claim was that hospitals were plugged with unvaccinated people because of Covid. Another claim was that the unvaxxed were mostly uneducated foreigners clinging to religious restrictions. 

The fact that a significant percentage of Covid patients are fully vaccinated did not come up. If it did, I missed it.

Thursday 6 January 2022

Omicron Key?

Question: Does the Omicron variant increase the natural resistance to Covid in the people it infects?

Wouldn't it be interesting if it made its hosts immune to further infection? 

Will the medical research community pursue any valid statistical evidence on this question?

Past plagues ended abruptly with scant medical intervention. Maybe Omicron is the key to this one..

Sunday 2 January 2022

On de fence:

 Devilishly clevah of our PM to appoint a lawyer with zero military experience to the top military post. She replaces a guy who's been serving the country through many tough campaigns.

All of us ought to be confident now that if someone should threaten Canada, we will be safe in the arms of the judiciary. Our post-national government will simply throw itself upon the mercy of the judicial types at the United Nations.

Why didn't someone think of this before WWII? Had Mackenzie King been on the ball, he could have sicked his legal beagles on Adolf Hitler and proceeded to sue the ass off that guy.

Think how much ammunition we could have saved..