

Thursday, 31 March 2022

PM's Apologists:

Instead of reporting what was said about Justin Trudeau in Europe, CTV found it more important to bore viewers with silly freebies, including the antics of rainbow coalitionists and costumed aboriginals demanding more handouts on Parliament Hill.

Not one word or picture about our PM, who was making real news, none of it complimentary, in the European media.

Instead, our state-friendly media was publishing uncomplimentary footnotes of the people who expressed their views on Trudeau. CBC saw them as politically-biased dolts, clearly to the right of Adolph Hitler. 

They offered no excuse on why they failed to perform the function of a legitimate news media the day before.

The mainstream media sees itself as the free press, responsible for keeping the voters informed of the actions of politicians, thus keeping governments honest and in check.

So, where was the embarrassing commentary on our Prime Minister, expressed so clearly in Europe the day before? Why did the mainstream media hide it from Canadians?

Could the sudden surge in government advertising be a hint re: their motivation?. .  

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Look out, Putin:

Top news story from Canada's state media informs that Justin Trudeau is about to meet with other NATO leaders in Brussels. Purpose? To discuss Putin's attack on Ukraine. 

So far, there are no reports of any lawsuits being launched against Putin by Canada's war ministry.

Trudeau is not alone in his marathon speechmaking tours of Europe. That's mostly what other NATO leaders have been doing.

The Ukrainians have been fighting off the Russian assault by themselves with scant shipments of arms, ammo and body bags from their western allies. All Zelinsky got was lots of verbal encouragement. 

If Zelinsky could utilize all the cheerleading Ukraine has been getting from its allies, Putin would by now be cringing in fear under his bed.

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Pulling the Plug:


I was sharing a fifth of VO with a medical student about 60 years ago when he began agonizing about the business of pulling the plug

He described the situation as one of a person in long-term care, tied down in a wheel chair, fully intubated and plugged into the wall. 

"Obviously, these poor souls are beyond help," he lamented, "but who's going to pull the plug?"

It appeared that his dream of a glamorous and rewarding career in medicine had just recently hit a real bump in the road with that realization. 

Today, some 60 years later, the medical community has discovered that the business of pulling the plug is handled periodically by a microbe called a Corona Virus. 

And the medical community is trying its best to prevent it from doing that.

Doesn't quite add up, does it?.