

Tuesday 27 June 2023

Manipulating the Media:

Public opinion is shaped by the media.

Media is shaped by people who have learned to exploit media's needs to their own advantage.

Media needs revenue. They get this by selling commercials. The more commercials, the more revenue.

More commercials need more programming to keep viewers watching. More programming needs more people to put it all together.

More people cost more, so more freebies are welcome. It's the people who have learned to exploit this media need that have figured out how to manipulate the media.

The people who do it regularly with no fear of boring viewers into switching channels are the LGBTQetc gang. Channels like CTV and CBC found their silly antics more important than the dangerous insurrection in Russia or the deep water implosion off Newfoundland's coast.. 

Sunday 4 June 2023

Pride Month:

 Sexual dysfunction has been with us all along. We did not need rainbow flags, aggressive LGBTQ militias and tasteless public displays to keep us aware.

In grade school, there was no motivation for us to pick our friendships based on sex. Sex was not a factor except for the kids who shaved. 

When I started school (in the '30s) it was dress that was important. If it wore a dress, it was a girl. If it wore pants, it was a guy.

Teachers treated everyone the same. Their main concern was that the kids did their homework and behaved. 

There was no gender politics. If any teacher had showed up for work dressed like that shop teacher in Oakville, he would have done it only once and never be heard from nor seen around locally again. We had institutions for such behaviour.

We began to take notice of small gender differences in Junior High. That was when the hormones began to kick in. That's when the more serious problems with gender ID began to show up. A few former friends and buddies began to drift away into attitudes we did not quite understand.

Sexual and gender issues were carefully avoided by teachers, school boards and parents. In fact, parents appeared to make an effort to ignore a child's quirky sexual behaviour as long as possible. They probably hoped that in time the kid will smarten up and more normal behaviour will set in.. 

Except in the most obvious cases, we did not become consciously aware of marginal gender behaviour until we became adults and grew more perceptive. Some gender-ambiguous people moved away to larger communities where they were able to disappear into the social fabric. This strategy made social life more comfortable for the subject as well as for everyone near by.

Those who stayed at home made an effort to adjust to what was expected of them just as we all do. No one organized gangs ready to enforce their personal preferences upon a society that did not actually care because it had its own problems.

This was before the people in the rapidly evolving electronic media decided there was enough public interest in the antics of the "gay" gangs to put to some actual use. They were identified as a handy (and cheap) space filler when media programs ran out of suitable material to insert between their soap and shampoo commercials.

The rainbow flag was no doubt seen as a handy feature to flash on the screen to jolt sleepy viewers back to a more normal state of semi-consciousness.. 

Wednesday 10 May 2023


 We're wondering when politicians ready to bargain weapons for votes are going to start buying knives.

Cutlery appears to be a great current favorite with angry individuals who cannot afford guns.

At least a half dozen people get poked, slashed or stabbed daily according to media reports.

Monday 8 May 2023

Replacing Humans:


The rush to replace human evolution with machine intelligence is accelerating.

That should scare the Hell out of us, but apparently, it does not. 

New cars offer more ways the car can do things better than the guy behind the wheel. 

That's true until a specific case arises. It's when a sensor or software, made to respond to an algorithm, gets fooled.

Not for me. If I do something stupid on the highway and have to take the blame, eventually that will call my ability to drive into question. 

And that's a good thing.


 Dilbert is gone.

Apparently, more of the most brilliant comic strips have been warned to cut back on their more incisive art and commentary.

Last weekend's strips in some cases ran fillers. Others omitted their captions. They are trying to avoid anything that might earn the disapproval of their readers.

Why? Readers who disapprove can just simply move on to the next strip. I resent their interference with what I choose to read.

Editorial view? Nothing must be controversial by modern standards. The result? Nothing of any adult interest.

When comic strips are no longer allowed to publish material of intellectual value, we have to look upon who exactly is making those judgments.

We also might look again at a nation whose collective judgment has somehow deteriorated into such Nazification. 

There's a great deal that needs to be examined and evaluated by that segment of our society no longer hobbled by the chemistry of reproduction..

Sunday 12 February 2023

Band-aids, or Duck Tape?

 As usual, the media sees the transit assault solutions in Toronto as band aids and duct tape.

So far, we haven't seen nor heard anything addressing the real problems. 

Clearly, it's a social illness. It's what our society has become. Society in the city core has gone sick. Not just with Covid. And not just in Toronto.

That's government knowingly depreciating the value of our money by printing more to buy votes.

There's no mystery as to what hungry people, deprived of their ability to pay bills and honor their financial committments will do when their backs are to the wall..

They're out there doing it right now.

And hiring more transit cops is not about to make a noticeable difference. 

Friday 3 February 2023


The Putin Vs Ukraine scrap is beginning to look like not just another neighborhood brawl. It is taking on the appearance of a full-scale modern weapons evaluation exercise. 

Both Eastern and Western powers are participating.

So as not to be left out, Canada's war ministry has just announced intent to test our fleet of battle tanks by sending them to Ukraine as soon as they become serviceable.

Making our four (4) designated tanks battle-ready shouldn't take too long.