

Monday 8 May 2023


 Dilbert is gone.

Apparently, more of the most brilliant comic strips have been warned to cut back on their more incisive art and commentary.

Last weekend's strips in some cases ran fillers. Others omitted their captions. They are trying to avoid anything that might earn the disapproval of their readers.

Why? Readers who disapprove can just simply move on to the next strip. I resent their interference with what I choose to read.

Editorial view? Nothing must be controversial by modern standards. The result? Nothing of any adult interest.

When comic strips are no longer allowed to publish material of intellectual value, we have to look upon who exactly is making those judgments.

We also might look again at a nation whose collective judgment has somehow deteriorated into such Nazification. 

There's a great deal that needs to be examined and evaluated by that segment of our society no longer hobbled by the chemistry of reproduction..

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