

Monday 27 July 2015

Trump for Prez:

My choice for prez of the US of A from this side of the border would be Donald Trump. It's an easy way to antagonize all of the left-leaning media who have done their best over the years to make The Donald look inept.

For God's sake, the guy's a multi-billionaire. Unlike the vast majority of his critics, he must have done more than just a few things right in making his life's vital decisions.

Regardless of how one views Trump, one thing is for sure. Trump is not a member of that gang of media-led, politically correct, irrationally inclusive sycophants that have taken it unto themselves to tailor opinions for Americans who have none of their own. Due to advances in media technology put within easy reach of the chaotic end of our social spectrum, they have done that successfully and are in the process of going ahead and doing it some more.

It is high time to eviscerate this element from the social consciousness on both sides of our border in order to get back into some semblance of reality.

Trump strikes me as exactly the kind of individual who can get in there and stir the witches' brew that the social consciousness of America has become back into something people can once again believe in.

From here, it is easy to see Trump as the guy who can deter the Americans from continuing the painful process of electing people for attributes that have nothing to do with what is actually required for the post. 

In Canada, just to be non-traditional, we've been electing politicians for such qualities as charisma, ethnicity, skin color, sex, sexuality, and physical condition. Track record, street smarts and actual experience are of low priority.

In October, we did it again.

The Americans are currently being media-programmed by the forces of political correctness and all-inclusivity to do the same.

Trump just might be America's last chance to hang on to some semblance of significance on the international scene which is currently in a state of erosion in a rapidly changing world.

He may not have a hairstyle the lefty media can admire, but there's no question he has something most politicians today lack: the backbone to do what's right instead of just how to get elected.

Since, as a multi-billionaire, he's already independently wealthy, we know for sure that he's not after the gilded lifestyle, golden parachutes and pensions the politicians reserve for themselves.

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