

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Mayor Rob Burton

Why is everyone so concerned with Oakville's Mayor Rob Burton comparing the Prime Minister's auxiliary group of veteran guards to Nazis? Rob is probably too young to remember the ugly little details of who did what and to whom in WWII and was probably too busy to pay attention in history class.

Burton is not a do-nothing mayor. A couple of years ago he headed up a council that pleased homeowner friends by erecting speed bumps on a busy county road that had new homes built a little too close to the traffic lanes for comfort. They were forced to remove them when all those pesky motorists trying to get to Dundas St raised a fuss.

Also, how many mayors do you know who headed a council which found the time to actually ban the city's domestic cats from the outdoors to prevent them from decimating the songbirds? This act alone earned this bunch the approval of the town's hardware merchants whose sales of mouse traps and rodent repellents skyrocketed.

The council Burton headed also protected Oakvillians from all that lethal microwave radiation when they banned the installation of relay towers to facilitate cell phone use. Poor cellphone reception can be improved in Oakville simply by walking to the corner of the yard or climbing to the edge of the roof, activities of measurable benefit to people of sedentary lifestyle.

So stop picking on our mayor whose major flaw, it would appear, is a tendency to implement radically avant-garde ideas before actually thinking them through. Our liberal politicians in Ontario have done that for years and we still re-elected them with a comfortable majority.

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