

Saturday 16 July 2016

Not so Nice:

The latest chapter of Islam's war on the West delivered by a trucker named Mohammed reminds me of the last time I was in Nice.

It was in the early '80s. I was with a group of automotive writers from Canada and the US. We were preparing to rally cars to the International Auto show in Paris.

We were surprised to learn that people were blowing things up in the City of Light. Some automotive dealerships were being sent sky-high. Terrorism was not yet a daily media news event, but Arabs were suspected. At the time, it was news to us.

We were informed that it would be quite safe since we were accompanied by some tough looking guys from Interpol carrying suspicious-looking briefcases and featuring bulges in their tweed sports coats.

We thought this was perhaps unnecessarily dramatic, but figured, Oh, well. If that's the way they do things in France, who are we to question it?

But the process through customs was slow. The guy in charge either couldn't read English or was hired under some kind of a quota system that ignored actual qualifications. He was almost painful to watch.

And while this process was crawling along, we noted other passengers, wearing desert garb--hooded white sheets straight out of the Sahara--were waved on through, apparently no questions asked.

Naturally, we were quite mystified. Here we were, citizens of two countries which had made it possible for France to re-claim its sovereignty from the Nazi conquerors, being minutely scrutinized. Thousands of our boys gave up their lives to make it possible for Charles DeGaulle to posture as the liberating hero when they got to Paris. Yet, here we were being interrogated like criminals while people from the middle East were waved on through.

What crosses my mind now as I sit here writing this is that it is possible the French were practicing hyper inclusivity 40 years ago before it ever became the order of the day among the lefties here. No doubt they were world leaders with all that politically correct nonsense, too.

And now they are harvesting the results, and in the process, validating Donald Trump's chances for getting elected in the US. Let us hope the American electorate are paying attention to what's happening around the world.

In Canada, where we have been saddled with Pierre Trudeau's Charter of Rights and Privileges and those ridiculous Human Rights Tribunals looking over everybody's shoulder, it will take a little longer.

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