

Saturday 29 October 2016



Hallowe'en is a festival of the imagination.

It's a good time for both adults and kids to put away their electronic gadgetry and reach back into their own abilities to create heroic and scary mental scenarios for the fright night.

Like all the other seasonal festivals, Hallowe'en gives us something to brighten up what is often a cold and dreary seasonal change. It celebrates the death of another growth cycle and warns of the looming gloom of the dark months to follow.

Our ancestors were never too sure they will survive the months ahead before the spring resurrection. That is what probably injected a note of fear into the occasion.

Have fun.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Oh, Those Poor Kids:

Today, Northern Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett was featured posturing for the media on the perils of those poor aboriginal kids.

Apparently there are more of them in the care of social agencies today than there were in those endlessly criticized residential schools.

Her solution? Same old, same old. Throw more taxpayer money at them through both federal and provincial agencies.

The film clip published by the CBC showed Bennett agonizing about the plight of those poor native kids. Not once did she even hint that maybe it's time that the parents and the aboriginal administrators closest to the children should be expected to take charge and do something useful on their own instead of organizing activist rallies and beating drums for still more money from Canadian taxpayers.

I guess the politicians benefit from such situations in the same way they benefit from the Global Warming and green energy propaganda. They must find it easier to justify the extraction of more taxes from Canadians still lucky enough to be employed.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Media Bombardment:

What's happening to Donald Trump these days is not too different from what our local liberals did to Rob Ford, the late mayor of Toronto, a couple of years ago.

Of course, while the Ford media pile-on was over his alleged experimentation with psychedelics, the Trump pile-on is about his alleged groping of women that goes back as far as about 20 years. 

Some women take whatever opportunity they can get to enjoy a moment of personal media stardom. Everyone wants to be a Kim Kardashian.

It is not hard to do with media bent on manufacturing news where there is none by zeroing in on trivia including alleged heterosexual improprieties.

This kind of news used to belong in the tabloids offered to bored housewives at grocery checkout counters.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Carbon Pricing:

Now that our prime minister has re-affirmed our commitment to pay for carbon pricing at the Paris party, it ought to be fair for us to expect that all those participating leaders are going to move right along and tackle those nasty volcanoes.

Each time a volcano erupts, the carbon emissions are not rated in tonnes, but in cubic miles! It is variously estimated that there are about 1500 active volcanoes pumping not only carbon dioxide, but all sorts of dangerous emissions into the planetary biosphere.

How gullible do we have to be to take the politicians' word that car exhausts and smokestacks can make a difference?

The global warming due to human activity nonsense was initially launched by immature activists with lots of spare time on their hands. Opportunistic politicians saw it as yet another phoney disaster they can pretend they are saving us from when they need more tax money and/or votes.

Not all politicians are mindlessly opportunistic. Premier Brad Wall of Saskatchewan and the northern territorial leaders appear to be losing little sleep over humanity-induced climate change. Could be they have more respect for the thinking processes of the people who elected them.

But maybe we shouldn't be too hard on our new Prime Minister. Obviously, he's confident he can get away with such theories with those people who elected him.

Climate change will go on as it always has. The theory that we can make a significant difference is irresponsible nonsense. It's a hoax and a tax grab that will do nothing for environmental concerns here just as it has changed nothing other than increased taxes in all the administrations that have tried it so far.

But keep in mind that our brilliant teachers are busy programming our kids as early as kindergarten to believe in this politically-convenient mythology.