

Thursday 27 October 2016

Oh, Those Poor Kids:

Today, Northern Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett was featured posturing for the media on the perils of those poor aboriginal kids.

Apparently there are more of them in the care of social agencies today than there were in those endlessly criticized residential schools.

Her solution? Same old, same old. Throw more taxpayer money at them through both federal and provincial agencies.

The film clip published by the CBC showed Bennett agonizing about the plight of those poor native kids. Not once did she even hint that maybe it's time that the parents and the aboriginal administrators closest to the children should be expected to take charge and do something useful on their own instead of organizing activist rallies and beating drums for still more money from Canadian taxpayers.

I guess the politicians benefit from such situations in the same way they benefit from the Global Warming and green energy propaganda. They must find it easier to justify the extraction of more taxes from Canadians still lucky enough to be employed.

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