

Sunday 23 April 2017

Garbled Science:

The left-wing rabble were out in force with their bullhorns in Montreal and Washington Saturday protesting Donald Trump's scrutiny of the junk science behind global warming and climate change.

Bellowing loudly, their megaphoned cheer leaders' message was, How could that dastardly Trump possibly disregard the importance of science?

That's a deliberate misdirection aimed at children and the woefully underinformed. It's not about science at all. It is clearly about scientists and politicians--scientists who have been corrupted by politics and politicians with agendas in charge of issuing lucrative research grants.

Now that it is possible to view weather systems, glaciers and polar ice from space, some scientists take the opportunity to launch all kinds of scary theories. These include weather, climate, ozone holes, ice shelves, polar bears and almost anything else that will get them quick media attention. 

Clearly, technological evolution makes it easy for people so inclined to promote cynical climate-based political agendas for reasons we can only guess at. Maybe Al Gore can tell us more.

It is easy to speculate that access to generous scientific research grants has probably been made selectively available to scientists whose morals can be bent by politicians with schemes to easily extract more tax money from the electorate.

Look what the Green Energy propaganda did to Ontario. 

Science has become corrupted by politics.
The bottom line is that the current US administration is not declaring war on science, only on corrupt scientific/political relationships.

For the moment, let us just view this as an important part of Trump's Draining the Swamp initiative.

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