

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Hey, Stephen:

Latest disaster scenario attributed to top cosmologist Stephen Hawking is to the effect that Donald Trump's moves to take America off the environmental disaster train known as the Paris Accord will result in a complete planetary meltdown. 

It's a global disaster in the making, according to the media, and will create on our planet the hell-like conditions thought to exist on Venus.

Now the environmental alarmists are using Hawking's concerns with planet Earth's health to further discredit the US president's questions re the prevailing political environmental propaganda.

Someone should warn Prof. Hawking that talking to journalists with a leftward list in their political postures is risky. A few weeks ago they had him issue dire warnings of malicious ETs lurking out there in the cosmos, ready to pounce.

Scientific concerns and media hype are a poor mix. They can make perfectly logical concerns look silly.

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