

Sunday 24 September 2017

Paris Accord:

While politicians around the world posture and pose at saving the earth from global warming, climate change and all kinds of natural disasters, Nature is putting on a show entirely unscripted by bureaucrats and special interest groups.

A parade of hurricanes of unprecedented ferocity in the Caribbean, destructive typhoons in the Pacific, earthquakes along the Anatolian plate and San Andreas fault, a volume of rainfall that hasn't been seen since Noah, and volcanoes beginning to growl ominously in the Indonesian Archipelago and the Italian boot threatens to put some reality back into perspective. 

As the climate of Planet Earth flexes its muscles, there is nothing but stony silence from the politicians from 192 (Wow!) countries who converged in Paris to eradicate human-generated climate change.

o Al Gore posturing heroically in the Gulf of Mexico like Moses at the edge of the Red Sea directing God to send Hurricane Irma slouching off meekly into the North Atlantic before she could inflict any damage.

o Justin Trudeau invoking the combined might of his sexually-balanced cabinet to divert an unseasonal Ontario heat wave closer to western Canada where air conditioners gave way to humming furnaces much too early in the season.

If anyone from the 192 (!!!) countries that are alleged to have signed the Paris Accord tried to invoke that document to change any of these natural events, it went unrecorded in the media.

I guess it's back to the drawing board.....

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