

Thursday 18 January 2018

More Min Wage Fallout:

This week I watched as the shelves at my favorite supermarket were emptied, not re-filled and abandoned. My favorite cashier, who learned over the past 11 years which questions not to ask as she accepted my money, told me in a whisper that the store was closing.

It's not the biggest supermarket around, but I'd estimate there will be about 50 people looking for work. My cashier also said another store in the vicinity is also about to fold. She found that out when she went looking for work.

Despite such goings-on, our esteemed premier, Kathleen Wynn, is promising still more mindless tinkering with market place economics. Instead of allowing the market to decide what's a doable minimum wage, she is imposing ideas for economic success straight out of Karl Marx.

It might work for her, too. By the time the actual fallout of her assault on small business becomes clear, she may again be enjoying another majority government.

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