

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Trump's Silence:

The Brits' expulsion of a bunch of Russian diplomats following the assassination attempt of a double agent has failed to prompt Trump to immediately join the international community in condemning Russia.

Naturally, everybody, especially the left-wing US media, is whining that Trump should have been quick to join in.

Really? How come suddenly Trump's participation in this international pile-on is so important?

Since his election to the US presidency, the Brits have been reported to be debating whether or not they should allow this brash new president into their precious country or anywhere near their queen. Their left-leaning media was reported to have painted Trump as downright unworthy of British acceptance and recognition.

So why should they be surprised at Trump's seeming reluctance to immediately jump in and endorse their theory that the Russians are responsible?

If I were in Donald Trump's boots, I'd do exactly what he's doing before jumping into the fray, at least until there is solid proof that the Russkis are to blame.

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