

Monday 7 May 2018

Equal wages:

Wynne's attempt to secure equal wages for equal work is not a new idea.

Politicians are in no position to judge whose work is equal to who else's. Only the people actually working at the scene--the employers--can do that.

Any attempt to legislate equal wqages will get muddled results like they got in the Soviet Union before it was dissolved in the 1990s.

Why it fails was described in an excellent article in the Sun a few weeks ago. It discussed a professor's attempt to demonstrate to his class why the communist principle "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" results in ultimate failure.

The prof set out to show why averaged-out wages will not work by averaging out something the students understood: their grade scores. The low achievers among them saw it as relief from the need to study. The high achievers were not so sure.

The article described how the class reacted to the results of the first test. The happiest were those who put in the least effort but were still awarded a passing grade. The brightest were less happy with their reduced marks.

The next test was more of the same, only the average score was now lower because the top students were beginning to lose their enthusiasm. 

And so it went with lower scores each time, descending to average class failure as the bottom feeders continued to coast while the achievers refused to continue their struggle while being dragged down by the slackers. 

The equal pay for equal work theory failed to work for Joseph Stalin and it will fail to work for any other politician bent on buying votes from people looking for a free ride.

This is the bait Kathleen Wynne is dangling before the noses of people simple enough to still think there is such a thing as a free lunch.

Actually, there is, but it lasts only until they run out of people willing to pay for it; in this case, the working taxpayers. 

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