

Sunday 15 July 2018

Sex Ed:

Ontario Premier Doug Ford has jumped in with corrections on the McGinty/Wynne foul-ups just as he promised, tackling the Hydro mafia and the Sex Education mob right from the top.

Right on cue, our left-leaning media scurried about gathering quotes exclusively from people who favored childhood sex indoctrination right from kindergarten on. The idea, it appears, was for parents to accept without question what the sexually indeterminate activists have been pushing over recent years.

Not even one parent of actual children in that age group was quoted on electronic media. It was all about adjusting attitudes to make sexual deviance more acceptable, starting with little children.

Some of the quotes from opposition NDP spokespeople were to the effect that Ford's  move would suck sex education right back into the last century.

Has the way we reproduce changed recently? The heavy hitters among the Liberals and the NDP seem to think so. The proponents of the new sexual attitudes have done their best to bully weak-kneed politicians, both municipal and provincial, into accepting that. They, in turn, tried to sneak the sexual revisionism right past the parents into a rosy new  future.

Doug Ford found that in the real world, most parents were not comfortable with what was being promoted. To his credit, he was quick to act upon those concerns. 

Good for him. And good for us.

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