

Friday, 31 August 2018

No Mystery:

There is no mystery as to what the federal Conservatives need to do in order to decimate the blundering Trudeau administration in the coming election. It has already been done in Ontario.

Doug Ford had no time to play political games. He just zeroed in on what needed to be done and the Ontario electorate went for it in a big way.

Ford took his big win and, instead of pussyfooting around a politically correct and all-inclusive minefield created by people who have been led to believe that human rights came only through the law courts, he picked his ministers carefully and turned them loose to do what needed to be done.

The Canadian electorate, given an honest approach, should react very much the way the Ontario electorate reacted.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

More Meddling:

The president of the Philippines thinks young Trudeau is unfit to manage his post.

Rodrigo Duterte has found it necessary to firmly relieve the Philippines of an infestation of Islamic terror and drug pushers. He probably sees Trudeau, who courted urban stoners to get elected here, as a political drug lord unfit to govern.

The picture appears to have snapped into focus for Duterte when Trudeau interfered with the $225,000,000 sale of Canadian helicopters to the Philippines because they might be used militarily.

The deal is in danger of being scuttled because the Philippines president's concept of human rights fails to live up to young Trudeau's lofty and unrealistic standards.

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Maxime Bernier:

Max Bernier sees the prime minister's attempts to buy votes by sucking up to fringe minority groups as a good way to turn Canada into a Balkanized territory. 

politicians would chance being as truthful in today's political climate.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Challenging Democracy:

Of all the professionals one should expect to have a working knowledge of democracy, those charged with educating our future generations should be the most clued in, right?

Shouldn't Andrea Horwath and Sam Hammond have better things to do than lead all those sheep trying to prevent a duly elected government from fairly representing the majorities who elected them?

Do they see sexual indoctrination of small children as more important than Reading, Writing and Arithmetic?

All those parents of elementary school kids in Ontario who viewed this sorry spectacle on the front lawn at Queen's Park absolutely should be worried about what their children are learning from this bunch. 

Or, even more important, when they look at the standardized test scores, what they are not learning.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Massive Blunders:

As expected, the Liberal media is running around breathlessly, trying to reduce the impact of a new set of diplomatic blunders created by Ottawa.

Trying to preach Trudeau-style human rights in the Saudi Kingdom is not heroic. It's just plain stupid.

It seems our foreign minister took time off her busy schedule trying to save NAFTA to try save the backsides of opinionated activists telling the Saudis how to behave right in their own country.

Not everyone sees human rights as Trudeau sees them. It is naive for Canadians to think they have some kind of a corner on human rights.

If PC leader Andrew Scheer wants a good election plank at the next political bout, it might be a good idea for him to consider human rights. He might promise right up front that Canadian taxpayers will no longer be made to pay for the activities of a swarm of activists knocking on doors to sell their version of human rights abroad.

Anybody so ideologically steeped that they must be out there harassing others about the way they see human relations on this planet should be told right up front that they are on their own. There is no life line reaching back to Ottawa to get them out of trouble when they get grabbed and de-activated by someone resentful of their meddling.

This is what these so-called activists are--meddlers--in places where they are unwelcome.

Everybody has rights. And that includes the Saudis.

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Saudi Response:

Not every one sees human rights the way our prime minister sees them. Not everyone will sit idly by as human rights activists from Canada lecture them on their behaviour.

Not the Saudis, anyhow. Their reaction to a message from some activist in the Liberal government in Ottawa to the effect that the Saudis should stop jailing feminist activists was swift and decisive.

The Saudis took this as foreign interference in their internal affairs.

And that is exactly what it was. What rights do political hacks in Ottawa have to tell the Saudis--or anyone else--how to run their internal affairs? 

You'd think the Ottawa human rights squads would have learned something from the way the Chinese reacted to their views on a recent visit to China.

The Chinese politely ignored them, but the Saudis were not so polite. They withdrew their ambassador to Canada, gave the Canadian ambassador 24 hours to get out, and cut off all future deals.

Further, they withdrew more than ten thousand scholarship students (plus their families) from Canadian Schools. 

Further, they cut off all relations with this country. 

Our weak-kneed politicians have allowed activist gangs in Canada to make it increasingly more difficult to exercise personal judgement without running afoul of the law.  Yet, we feel free to tell others how to manage their affairs.

I'm with the Saudis on this one. Their kind of activism is what the world needs a lot more of right now. And that includes Canada.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Andrea Horwath:

The Ontario PC Party's rapid-fire mowing down of the previous administration's ill-conceived initiatives is an opportunity for the official opposition to go on the attack.

Since Kathleen Wynn has been reduced to non-party status by the electorate, there remains only her doppelganger, Andrea Horwath, to set things right. 

While she had little to complain about with the Liberals in charge, Horwath finds little  she can agree with in the Doug Ford administration. 

And that's pretty much as it ought to be. No surprises there.