

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Saudi Response:

Not every one sees human rights the way our prime minister sees them. Not everyone will sit idly by as human rights activists from Canada lecture them on their behaviour.

Not the Saudis, anyhow. Their reaction to a message from some activist in the Liberal government in Ottawa to the effect that the Saudis should stop jailing feminist activists was swift and decisive.

The Saudis took this as foreign interference in their internal affairs.

And that is exactly what it was. What rights do political hacks in Ottawa have to tell the Saudis--or anyone else--how to run their internal affairs? 

You'd think the Ottawa human rights squads would have learned something from the way the Chinese reacted to their views on a recent visit to China.

The Chinese politely ignored them, but the Saudis were not so polite. They withdrew their ambassador to Canada, gave the Canadian ambassador 24 hours to get out, and cut off all future deals.

Further, they withdrew more than ten thousand scholarship students (plus their families) from Canadian Schools. 

Further, they cut off all relations with this country. 

Our weak-kneed politicians have allowed activist gangs in Canada to make it increasingly more difficult to exercise personal judgement without running afoul of the law.  Yet, we feel free to tell others how to manage their affairs.

I'm with the Saudis on this one. Their kind of activism is what the world needs a lot more of right now. And that includes Canada.

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