

Friday 12 October 2018

Climate Question:

That Paris Accord thing appears to be a political construct based on media hype and alarmist theory. Canadian politicians ought to view it with great suspicion, especially since our good trading neighbors to the south remain unconvinced.

Sticking to our half-hearted political commitments on the accord just to earn brownie points with all those drones at the UN would seem less than brilliant if Canadian industry is to remain compatible with US industry. 

There is strong evidence that Donald Trump is unimpressed with that accord. He appears not about ready to hamstring the US market with its implementation. Going along with those commitments in Canada would handicap us with a load of ridiculous emissions taxes based on climate change propaganda.

And it's not just big industry that will be made to pay up. It will hit every living Canadian right in the wallet as the supply sector is forced to adjust prices to cover costs of absolutely everything we need to buy.

The Americans are lucky they have Donald Trump to speak for them. Who, other than Doug Ford, is going to speak for Canadians? 

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