

Saturday 16 February 2019


It seems our painfully progressive politicians on Parliament Hill have decided that we are in a new era--that of the post-national society.

I guess that means no more national distinctions. No more identifying as Canadians, Americans, Mexicans, or anything else. 

They are now ready, along with the United Nations, to declare a homogenized species--nothing to distinguish anyone from anyone else. No more differences of opinion. No more skin color. We are to see each other not as white or black, only grey. All the employed should be willing, nay, eager to give up a portion of what they earn to keep the idle classes afloat. Even gender is up for grabs.

Now, where have we heard something like that before? Could it be the principle of "....from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"?

If that sounds like Karl Marx, it's because that's who published it first. Marx's great brainstorm was to have the productive segment of society support the unproductive, no questions asked.

It didn't work in the Soviet Union. It didn't work in Cuba and it worked in China only after they gave up and introduced a more-or-less free market economy.

Darwin's theory to the effect that individual initiative is the way all life on this planet has been designed to evolve is correct. That includes humans. Anything else is simply an attempt by unimaginative politicians and immature ideologues to try to mold society to their own specifications. 

Any way you want to look at it, the much- ballyhooed post-national society is guaranteed to eventually turn out to be a post-rational society. 

It's not a theory. All we need do is have another look at the historic evidence.

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