

Monday 4 March 2019

World Saviours:

What's the connection between the green energy events that put the cost of hydro out of reach for many Ontarians and the carbon tax that threatens to do the same for all Canadians?

That connection appears to be Gerald Butts. He is said to have teamed with Liberal leader Dalton McGinty when they bombed coal-fired power plants like Lakeview Hydro in Ontario, and with Justin Trudeau when they dumped a carbon tax on all commercial activity in Canada.

Having butted out of the picture over the SNC-Lavalin scandal, Butts abandoned his accomplice back on parliament Hill to fend for himself.

So, where does this green energy warrior come from? Is it possible that he might be a disciple of that late, great green energy guru Maurice Strong? 

For those who do not remember Maurice Strong,
he was a fellow westerner who made his way from the Oil Patch east and into the corridors of power with the Liberals of the Chretien era. He used that as a springboard to infiltrate the United Nations corridors in New York. There, he was in the position to bend sympathetic ears on the business of saving the planet. He used that to launch save-the-planet campaigns

Inexplicably, he migrated to China, the country that probably showed the least interest in green initiatives and save-the-planet campaigns. 

Whether it was the smog from extensive coal-fired hydro or severe ideological clash that ended his career, Strong expired there quietly back in 2015.

Whether Strong had any real influence in creating the green energy zealots currently making life in Canada more oppressive and more expensive for everyone, it is up to the individual reader to connect the dots in any way they see fit.

Note: Anyone who wants to refresh one's memory of the life and times of Maurice Strong might Google the name. 
Warning: Do not trust everything you read there. Some of it reads like the conspiracy theories of the Flat Earth Society, but it should help us understand where guys like Justin Trudeau and Gerald Butts come from.

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