

Monday, 22 July 2019

Evolutionary Speed Bump?

Digital  technology is great. The kids born into it accept it no questions asked. The idea of doing without it is unthinkable.

And that's the problem. It is entirely possible that the last couple of generations would be hopelessly lost without it..

I went shopping for some edibles today. I feel silly talking to machines, so I get into the lineups with cashiers. These are being discouraged by the supermarkets because of Kathleen Wynne's $15/hr wage minimum decree in buying votes last election in Ontario. 

Market strategists saw this, quite correctly, as only the beginning of a political trend and invested in robot check-out lines. Now they're trying to phase out cashiers.

There may be reasons other than the wage. It has to do with education. Kids educated in Ontario lately have problems dealing with dollars and cents. They are not being taught to think.

My bill for $15.34 would have netted me  Loonies, Toonies and a fistful of quarters, nickels and dimes, so I offered the cashier a twenty and 35 cents. 

She stood there, in a state of comatose brain-freeze, because the situation no longer matched what the machine showed. She took the money I offered, retrieved change, handed it to me along with the sales slip, and turned to the next in line.

I pocketed it and was halfway to the door before it occurred to me that the change didn't feel right. Sure enough, it was a $5 bill plus a Loonie.

Now, the choice was: go back and embarrass the cashier by pointing out the error; or continue on and live with the guilt.

I'm feeling guilty, but not too much. I rationalized it by recalling other times when the wrong change was not in my favour.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Disarming the Public::

Our politicians went once more through that spectacular vote-gathering procedure of buying back the public's guns a couple of weeks ago. 

The media was full of views of mayor and police chief posing heroically at tables full of guns they got for the safety of the public.

And while this was going on, the shootings and killings in the city went on as usual. There was no let up.

Apparently, the criminals and gang-bangers were not coerced into turning in their artillery. 

Who knew?

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Trump Over-Polite?

Shop personnel where I do my auto mechanical service think Donald Trump has become uncustomarily polite.

They figure instead of telling those nattering critics that they should go back to their countries if they are unhappy with living in the US, he might have suggested they go back to their kennels.

That would be more like the old Donald Trump before he began caving in to polite presidential behaviour.

Saturday, 13 July 2019

New Copernicus Needed:

Roughly 500 years ago it was still stylish to think that the earth stood still and the entire cosmos revolved around it. 

How could anyone doubt it? It was obvious. All one needed to do to get the idea is watch how the sun rose in the morning, sailed across the sky and dipped below the horizon at nightfall. Ditto the moon and the stars.

Religions confirmed this. Some made it dangerous to think otherwise.

Along came Nicholas Copernicus, a Polish monk who dared to think otherwise and dared defy the thought police of the day (Inquisition) by publishing his thoughts. The Pope was not exactly pleased.

was backed a century later by Galileo, an Italian with enough optical technology to assemble a telescope and use it to view various planets, the moon, and the four major moons of Jupiter.

While Galileo got no free pass from the Pope who viewed the research as incompatible with religious doctrine, this was enough proof to vindicate Copernicus and set human thinking on a cautious new track.

Now, here we are in Century 21. Thanks to Copernicus, Galileo and others unafraid to express unpopular views, we no longer see our planet as the center of all creation. 

We are now hobbled by other delusions--Like the human species inflicting serious damage to our planet's eco system. 

Top delusion is that we are causing the planet to heat up, thus causing catastrophic climate change.

And who's promoting this? Why, it's common knowledge in the media, quoting publicity- hungry science, spreading their message through classrooms and the propaganda arm of the United Nations.

It's being taught in schools. Our children have been led to think that instead of being a part of our planetary ecosystem, we are outside it, and a danger to it.

And while the current Pope has not weighed in significantly on this discussion, the United Nations, that collection of opportunistic politicians from every part of the planet, is sticking to their climate Armageddon theory. They appear bent on taxing human productivity to the maximum to somehow bring an end to a completely natural function: climate change. 

The unstated by-product, naturally, would be to keep their planetary rescue missions (and their jobs) comfortably afloat.

This hoax is supported by a couple of generations of people who have been conditioned through the school systems and media hype that we are causing global warming and climate change and that it may already be too late to do anything about it.

The people we've been electing are of no help. The potential to get to spend even more tax dollars is just too much incentive for elected officials like Justin Trudeau to resist.

Where's a modern day Copernicus when he's needed?

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Not so Free Press:

A press scrum hosted by foreign affairs  minister Christia Freeland did not turn out so well.

Apparently Freeland, who was to speak on how much the Liberals supported freedom of the press, engineered a sneaky attempt to exclude two journalists who represented media of known Conservative bias.

It didn't work. The rest of the journalists, noting the exclusion, refused to join if their colleagues were not allowed in.

Good going, guys. This is the only way Freedom of the Press can be preserved.

Monday, 1 July 2019

It Had to Happen:

Apparently fed up with the implication that people of normal sexual inclinations had nothing to be proud of, a group of enterprising heterosexuals in Boston is reported to be making moves to secure parade license for people who do not take pride in being gay.

It had to happen. The mystery is in why it took so long.

Now it will be interesting to see how the media is going to handle this. How will they promote Heterosexual Pride as a selling tool for such things as shampoos, hair tonic and high-load diapers..