

Saturday 13 July 2019

New Copernicus Needed:

Roughly 500 years ago it was still stylish to think that the earth stood still and the entire cosmos revolved around it. 

How could anyone doubt it? It was obvious. All one needed to do to get the idea is watch how the sun rose in the morning, sailed across the sky and dipped below the horizon at nightfall. Ditto the moon and the stars.

Religions confirmed this. Some made it dangerous to think otherwise.

Along came Nicholas Copernicus, a Polish monk who dared to think otherwise and dared defy the thought police of the day (Inquisition) by publishing his thoughts. The Pope was not exactly pleased.

was backed a century later by Galileo, an Italian with enough optical technology to assemble a telescope and use it to view various planets, the moon, and the four major moons of Jupiter.

While Galileo got no free pass from the Pope who viewed the research as incompatible with religious doctrine, this was enough proof to vindicate Copernicus and set human thinking on a cautious new track.

Now, here we are in Century 21. Thanks to Copernicus, Galileo and others unafraid to express unpopular views, we no longer see our planet as the center of all creation. 

We are now hobbled by other delusions--Like the human species inflicting serious damage to our planet's eco system. 

Top delusion is that we are causing the planet to heat up, thus causing catastrophic climate change.

And who's promoting this? Why, it's common knowledge in the media, quoting publicity- hungry science, spreading their message through classrooms and the propaganda arm of the United Nations.

It's being taught in schools. Our children have been led to think that instead of being a part of our planetary ecosystem, we are outside it, and a danger to it.

And while the current Pope has not weighed in significantly on this discussion, the United Nations, that collection of opportunistic politicians from every part of the planet, is sticking to their climate Armageddon theory. They appear bent on taxing human productivity to the maximum to somehow bring an end to a completely natural function: climate change. 

The unstated by-product, naturally, would be to keep their planetary rescue missions (and their jobs) comfortably afloat.

This hoax is supported by a couple of generations of people who have been conditioned through the school systems and media hype that we are causing global warming and climate change and that it may already be too late to do anything about it.

The people we've been electing are of no help. The potential to get to spend even more tax dollars is just too much incentive for elected officials like Justin Trudeau to resist.

Where's a modern day Copernicus when he's needed?

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