

Thursday 29 August 2019

Math Problems:

Problems with math in Ontario schools may be an indication of a much larger problem with today's kids.

It just may be the gradual transfer of their ability to calculate, read, write and think from their brain cells to their electronic gadgetry.

The department of education's new regulations governing the presence of cell phones in the classroom is an important step in bringing this problem to the attention of the educators.

You'd think this would be a no-brainer among the teachers, but apparently, it's not. Some of the teachers interviewed on electronic media admit it's not easy to ban phones in the classroom. They even get lukewarm co-operation from school boards and parents.

This appears to be a sort of evolution in reverse gear. Just one power failure, and we're out of business as the dominant species on this planet.

Maybe it is time to stop worrying about climate change and start worrying about the future of our species..

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