

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Teaching Unimportant?

There were hordes of strikers milling about on the sides of Upper Middle Road this AM. They were teachers out there to remind motorists that they were again striking for more wages and less work.

It might be assumed they have little concern the time they waste milling around like stray sheep makes a difference in what their students learn this year. 

And if that's the case, then it might be correct to assume that their presence in the classroom is somewhat overrated.

And if that's the case, it might be correct to assume that there's a good chance they are already being overpaid.

And if that's the case, maybe it is time to evaluate what their classroom presence actually means in this new age of volatile information exchange.

And if that's the case, how long before they are replaced by far more dependable and reliable robotics?

Those electronics whiz kids are probably perfecting mechanized union leaders right at this very moment. 

Such mechanoids would probably prove no more responsive to reality than the people they replace. 

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