

Friday 3 July 2020


Covid 19 has been labelled a plague by various authorities, but from the planetary view, it is really a correction.

What appears to be in need of correction is a surplus of vulnerable humanity surviving long after their best before date has expired. All the signals are there for us to read and interpret unemotionally. 

First of all, the virus is hard to identify. Nor is it easy to identify the carriers. Later reports aren't even sure if people who appear to be immune to it can still carry it and pass it on.

Most of the information drummed at the public by health authorities and politicians appears to have a strong speculative element. They are not quite sure of what exactly is going on and the media is full of it. There is no vaccine and none appears to be on the immediate horizon.

All these highly politicized efforts to "flatten the curve" are bearing nothing very definitive. It may be that flattening the curve will just lengthen the period of correction.

We will not know for sure what works until we can compare the length of the infection between jurisdictions that worked to flatten the curve with those that took the chance to allow it to spike with the view of shortening the infection's presence in the population.

A previous well-defined planetary correction used the Aids virus to correct the abuse of human reproductive procedure. While there is no real cure, it is said to have prompted changes in non-reproductive sexual activity. 

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