

Saturday 26 June 2021

Preparing for Election:

The left-wing media is preparing for a fall vote.

It's obvious. CTV managed to exhibit full frontal and profile shots of our young PM's handsome features at least a dozen times in the course of a half hour news cast Friday nite. No doubt CBC is doing the same. Exposure wins elections.

No shots of O'Toole.

On the provincial scene, every shot of Doug Ford was with full face mask while Andrea Horwath was shown posturing relaxed full length while delivering her message with teeth in full view.

Maybe we should stop complaining. This sort of partisan bias is less boring than still more Covid 19 infection statistics that fail to tell us if the few casualties were vulnerable elders or members of the general public. 

If they were of the vulnerable category, the decline in infections would be due not so much to the vaccinations, but because the virus has run out of vulnerable elders and has gone back into a dormant state until it is once again needed.

This leaves the medical community with the need to give up star status in the media and the media with the need to once again dig for real news to insert between their commercials. 

Who knows--they might even interview people who were in charge of some of those evil aboriginal schools to see if there are simple explanations or some logical perspective on what actually happened. 

This would allow readers to draw fewer media-hyped conclusions and implications of atrocities comparable only with Nazi population control.

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