

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Wrong Emphasis:

When we read about the number of deaths caused by Cholera, the Black Death, the Bubonic Plague, Smallpox, the Spanish Flu, etc., it's the number of casualties that are the main concern, right?.

Covid 19? We're bombarded daily in the mainstream media by huge numbers of infections, numbers hospitalized, ventilated, intensive care, etc. Number of deaths, if and when mentioned, are embarrasingly small.

How small? So small that mainstream media have taken to combining actual daily death count with confusing statements like .."Seven, including six recorded in the past five months."

Should we take that to mean one death, added to six others over the past six months? So...were the past deaths recorded, or went unrecorded? 

Of course, one death does not carry the impact needed to promote the herd panic required by media determined to keep the viewers glued to their commercials as long as possible.

Now they've stampeded politicians into promoting vaccination IDs, whether they be by cell phone, card, or maybe, eventually, even bar code tattoos. Bar codes and cell phones would have been a wet dream for guys like Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin, had the technology been available at the time.

Poor old Dr. Mengele took the trouble to tattoo IDs on the arms of prisoners at concentration camps like Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Dauchau during WWII. Think what he could have done with bar codes and cell phones.

Now, here we are in the year 2021 in allegedly democratic Canada, with the Media calmly floating the idea of mandatory IDs to see if the sheep in the electorate will accept it. It seems there's no end to the wonders of those neat cell phones.

It could be that they may be right in toying with what influence they might exert on the public mind. Look who the human herd keeps electing to govern the country..

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