

Thursday 7 October 2021

Tricky Treats:

No historic character is more deserving of being included on our list of Hallowe'en monsters than Adolf Hitler. 

Of course, there's little left to be said about der Fuehrer that hasn't been said before, probably better, and many times over.

On the positive side, old Adolf can be credited with instilling a fierce sense of pride in his countrymen, especially the youth. War films from the era show  soldiers, as young as 14, crying while their heavily drugged fuehrer fumbles pinning hero medals on them.

Question: Is programming a sense of pride into the nation's youth a good thing? 

Maybe not. There's a problem. A sense of pride never stands alone. It comes with a sense of contempt for others. 

It begs the question: Better than who? How? Why?

In the end, Hitler used pride to direct his Nazis to attack their neighbors. That resulted in the loss of about 25 million lives and their ultimate defeat.

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