

Thursday 17 November 2022

Covid Masks:

 Concerns about whether or not we should be made to wear those medical masks again to reduce the current crop of viral infections might be a symptom of erratic logic.

Of course, in Ontario, the left-leaning public sector would like the government to once again enforce it. They blame Doug Ford for his hesitancy. 

The NDP and Liberals, who apparently don't believe in individual personal choice, are shown threatening fisticuffs in the Ontario legislature.

Has anyone thought at all that the current rash of viral infections is probably the result of extensive previous use of those masks? 

Over the past two years there was much media speculation on how those masks were preventing not only the spread of Covid, but also a whole range of minor sniffles and coughs normal to seasonal changes. 

Question: Is it possible that the temporary absence of those minor infections in our resperatory passages prevented our immune systems from keeping evolutionary pace with the minor miseries? 

Is it possible that this is what our current crop of sniffs, coughs and snorts is all about?

Thursday 6 October 2022

Longest Reign Ends:

 Queen Elizabeth's death has triggered all kinds of comments, both complimentary and otherwise everywhere from every person with an opinion.

Those included her duties toward the empire as well as criticisms of prolonging a system of government from the Dark Ages. 

Criticisms probably the most ignorant and unwarranted came from some academics in the US. These had the effect of proving that education does not make people with ignorant outlooks smart.

Elizabeth did not become head of the British Parliamentary system by choice. She was drafted. It was the result of a train of events that left her holding the bag.

George, her father, was drafted when his older brother and designated monarch abdicated, whether by personal choice or by administration's advice, we will never know. Suffice to say, he is reported to have seen nothing much wrong with what Hitler was attempting to do out on the continent.

King George expired after a short reign, leaving his eldest child the designated choice. So whether  or not she looked forward to it, Elizabeth was drafted. Now she was head of an imperial administration that assumed the chore of trying to bring into the modern world cultures that had yet to evolve actual writing, or even the wheel.

For this, she is being criticised by modern trained academics from those very cultures.

Tuesday 16 August 2022

Unintended Results?

Early in the spring it was announced that the environment around Oakville was to be sprayed to kill off the deadly Gypsy Moth infestation.

So we were not surprised at the early morning overhead clatter of helicopters laying down their environmental control.

Did it work? Must have. It is now the middle of August and there are no signs of tent caterpillars in the woodlots and ravine hiking trails in Oakville. 

Of course, there are no signs of bees and butterflies in our backyard gardens, either. 

Our Bee Balm bush is now in full bloom and we're the only ones who seem to care. Unlike other years, there are no Monarch butterflies, no yellow Swallowtails, no giant black swallowtails, no red Admirals. Earlier on in the spring, there were no furry Mourning Cloaks.

More troubling, we have a 20-foot-long pumpkin vine with more than a dozen blossoms, none  with any evidence of pumpkins.

So far, to the middle of August, we have witnessed one bumble bee, no honey bees, one dragonfly and very few other insects that might do what the bees are normally assigned to do.

The decision by either City or County council to take control of what the environment is doing no doubt had unintended consequences. 

What's scary is the results the politicians who pretend they can do something about global warming or climate change will actually achieve.

We already know that the political media disinformation has resulted in pointless taxation and record inflation. We can only sit and wait for the scary unintended consequences in the years to come.

Wednesday 27 July 2022

What a Scam:

 The PM is reported to be out there, kissing babies and glad-handing people, while pointing out how generous his government is with those Carbon Tax Rebates.

No doubt he's guessing that very few among his electorate will link the climbing costs of gasoline, groceries and just about everything else with the money they are receiving in those rebates.

He has every right to show such disdain for the intelligence of his electorate. They elected him.

We pay for those rebates every time we go shopping. Milk, which used to be $4.00, is now $5.50; bread climbed from $1.20 to $3.50; eggs from $1.50 a year ago to $3.50 per dozen, and up to $6 for those customers dumb enough to believe that the hens put forth a special effort at the higher cost. 

Those costs climb almost daily when farmers, manufacturers, and suppliers all scramble to cover the cost of those carbon taxes imposed by Ottawa. The truckers add their vastly increased cost of fuel.

Trudeau's team appears to have calculated that the average voter out there would be too dazzled with their rebates to connect what they have already paid in advance. 

Thursday 21 July 2022

National Embarassment:

 Our PM's speechwriters must be tired of digging up new reasons for him to grovel in abject contrition on behalf of all Canadians.

The latest, it appears, is for a segment of our black population who, it is claimed, were forcibly restrained from going out and becoming great heroes on the front lines. This was during a war which real heroes--those that survived--tried hard to forget.

It was almost too embarassing to watch the PM going through this entry-level classroom exercise on behalf of adult Canadians.

Is there any social group left in Canada that we are not going to have to apologize to? 

I guess it depends on the numbers represented in the minority groups seeking social significance through politicians who would do anything for votes. 

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Buying a Home:

Ahead of the Ontario vote, the media is making a big deal out of the difficulty in buying a home. Of course, they are blaming it all on Doug Ford.

Buying anything these days isn't easy. Massive mismanagement in Canada's economy has put everyday grocery items out of reach for not just Ontarians, but for a rapidly increasing number of Canadians right across the land.

Only members of the electorate who haven't been paying attention will take Horwath's or Del Duca's word for what's happening.

And by the way...buying a home has never been easy. It always required a responsible lifestyle including the sacrifice of some luxuries... 

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Freedoms Abused:

It's widely reported how our handsome young PM was highly perturbed at the reception he got at a Liberal election funding rally in BC. He backed out, accusing the protesters of ignoring the rights of the individual to protest in Canada.

Apparently, it did not occur to him that the rights to protest in BC were just as important as the rights of the trucking convoy were in Ottawa just a month earlier.

This time he did not threaten to call out the army.

Sunday 22 May 2022

Question:TV or not TV?

Settled in for an evening of marginal video entertainment wnen the picture fractured to a multicolored mush.

Tried all the channels and the arcane electronic trickery that usually brings results. Nothing.

Who to blame? Covid? Those evil White Supremacists? Or maybe Putin, that mad Russian remnant from the Soviet era? 

That's precisely the kind of thing his accomplices in the Kremlin would try to do to get the attention of those meddlesome westerners. Maybe now's a real good time for them to show off superior Russki electronic technology.

What about the internet? Jamming the video channels only would still leave us access to the social media. Frightening thought.

Dashed up the stairs and triggered the mouse on my desk. The net immediately sprang to life. 

What a relief! So now it will be unnecessary for us to re-learn how to make innocent personal chit-chat.

The idea that eventually we might have been reduced to actually having to read something was almost too frightening to think about..

Thursday 12 May 2022

Poor Putin:

 Poor Putin. He doesn't know how to back out of the mess he's allowed himself to be maneuvered into by his Kremlin associates.

It's not a small problem. There's always the thought that in order to save face, he might decide to resort to nuclear weaponry.

The thought that the health of our planet might depend on the state of health of the minds making critical decisions in the Kremlin can be pretty scary. 

Just starting that war was a pretty scary decision.

Sunday 8 May 2022

Info for Sale??

Parliament Hill  appears uncomfortable with what's being said about them on social media. It seems what's said there is viewed as highly uncomplimentary. 

Is this the first time our leaders find themselves being confronted with what the people who elected them actually think?

Were they not exposed to public sentiment through the mainstream media (free press) over the years? What's the difference?

Is it easier for people to complain about their leadership on social media than in person?

Could be the difference between mainsteam and social media is that social media is not for sale. Few people appear to be holding back for fear that they will lose favour with advertisers and politicians.

Tuesday 19 April 2022

Inert Virus:

How do you kill something that isn't really alive?

We keep hearing medical researchers describe the Corona virus as a kind of an inert microbe that shows no signs of life until it infects a living organism.

That's diabolically clever on the part of Ma Nature who sees her job as one to keep all life on this planet in balance. That includes humans.

Medical researchers have, in the past, managed to come up with vaccines which worked almost flawlessly when dealing with live microbes like smallpox and Polio. Now, when confronted with a sneaky little inert virus, their vaccines get spotty results at best. All they can do is treat the symptoms, relieving mucus blockages and fevers in patients flocking to the hospitals to seek relief.

This, however, does not stop the media from exploiting this medical disaster to sell a shipload of merchandise .

The administrations, of course, go right along with this. Politicians see it as a potential disaster to their personal status if they disagree with what the public has been led to believe.

What's being promoted in the media right now, is "So who dares question SCIENCE?"

To their credit, science isn't actively promoting science fiction. They're just de-emphasizing the truth and enhancing the fiction.

The Corona virus, in the form of Covid, is not about to go away. We're just going to have to learn to live with it. 

That means adjusting our lifestyles to improve our core health, not buying armloads of everything offered by the merchandising community.

Thursday 14 April 2022

Media Chore:

Here's something new for mainstream media types to do when they've run out of ideas for exciting material to insert between their commercials.

Instead of the boring daily litany of statistics re the number of people infected with the plague virus, they could dazzle sensation-starved viewers with an accounting of who killed more people over the last 24 hours: Putin, or Covid? 

That should be a lot more exciting than comparing yesteday's boring numbers with today's; who's agreed to run a rainbow flag up the pole, or what exciting new demands are being made of the Pope.

Thursday 31 March 2022

PM's Apologists:

Instead of reporting what was said about Justin Trudeau in Europe, CTV found it more important to bore viewers with silly freebies, including the antics of rainbow coalitionists and costumed aboriginals demanding more handouts on Parliament Hill.

Not one word or picture about our PM, who was making real news, none of it complimentary, in the European media.

Instead, our state-friendly media was publishing uncomplimentary footnotes of the people who expressed their views on Trudeau. CBC saw them as politically-biased dolts, clearly to the right of Adolph Hitler. 

They offered no excuse on why they failed to perform the function of a legitimate news media the day before.

The mainstream media sees itself as the free press, responsible for keeping the voters informed of the actions of politicians, thus keeping governments honest and in check.

So, where was the embarrassing commentary on our Prime Minister, expressed so clearly in Europe the day before? Why did the mainstream media hide it from Canadians?

Could the sudden surge in government advertising be a hint re: their motivation?. .  

Thursday 24 March 2022

Look out, Putin:

Top news story from Canada's state media informs that Justin Trudeau is about to meet with other NATO leaders in Brussels. Purpose? To discuss Putin's attack on Ukraine. 

So far, there are no reports of any lawsuits being launched against Putin by Canada's war ministry.

Trudeau is not alone in his marathon speechmaking tours of Europe. That's mostly what other NATO leaders have been doing.

The Ukrainians have been fighting off the Russian assault by themselves with scant shipments of arms, ammo and body bags from their western allies. All Zelinsky got was lots of verbal encouragement. 

If Zelinsky could utilize all the cheerleading Ukraine has been getting from its allies, Putin would by now be cringing in fear under his bed.

Saturday 5 March 2022

Pulling the Plug:


I was sharing a fifth of VO with a medical student about 60 years ago when he began agonizing about the business of pulling the plug

He described the situation as one of a person in long-term care, tied down in a wheel chair, fully intubated and plugged into the wall. 

"Obviously, these poor souls are beyond help," he lamented, "but who's going to pull the plug?"

It appeared that his dream of a glamorous and rewarding career in medicine had just recently hit a real bump in the road with that realization. 

Today, some 60 years later, the medical community has discovered that the business of pulling the plug is handled periodically by a microbe called a Corona Virus. 

And the medical community is trying its best to prevent it from doing that.

Doesn't quite add up, does it?.

Friday 25 February 2022

Not Very Funny:

 Our PM's attempt to use the emergency measures regulations against the truck brigades has made Parliament Hill an international joke.

Where's the Canada that used to function as an arbiter in international disputes?

While our young PM is shown daily lecturing members of the the international community on how they ought to behave, the evidence shows that he cannot successfully handle Canada's own internal differences.

If that's the kind of advice he is getting from his own caucus, it is easy to imagine that the enthusiasm has fled and it's time for change.

That would not necessarily be to the winning partys' advantage. Ejection of the Liberals from Parliament Hill would leave the winners the task of correcting the Covid panic mess they created. 

Thursday 24 February 2022

Look out, Russia:

 Our left-leaning state media misses no opportunity to feature our handsome young PM delivering powerful threats to Russia's Vladimir Putin on his ongoing bout with Ukraine.

Far from cringing in abject terror, Putin seems to hardly notice while he goes about thumbing his nose at NATO.

There was a time during the last century when Canada was able to bat above its size and weight in international disputes. 

That is no longer the case. It is doubtful that following several Trudeau administrations, there is enough credibility left to join in anything much more than a back alley punch-up.

Of course, the ulterior motive for the mainstream media lectures is probably meant to appeal to about 1.3 million Canadians that still identify as being of Ukrainian origin.

Can that be taken as evidence that we're being conditioned for still another ridiculous federal election?

Monday 7 February 2022

Had Enough?

More than anything else, the reception of the trucking transport brigade all across the land can be taken as an indicator that Canadians have had enough restrictions.

There is little evidence that the restrictions are working.

There is lots of evidence that they are destroying lives and livelihoods.

There is also enough evidence that they are destroying people's sanity at an unprecedented rate: as many as four suicides to every Covid casualty in some communities, according to  reports.

We're not getting those reports from the medical industry, nor from the mainstream news accounts.

The mainstream media is feeding viewers large-numerical statistics which seem out-of-whack with what's going on. We feel uncertain if the medical industry is skewing those numbers by combining covid with all deaths just to keep the panic going. We have to take their word for it because we are not sure who is generating or manipulating the numbers for effect.

There is strong suspicion that the Covid panic will thrive as long as the various unions and suppliers still feel there is something they have failed to exploit.

Our busy PM, of course, has ducked the truckers just the way he ducked that silly Truth and Reconciliation holiday a few weeks ago. 

Monday 31 January 2022

Poor Planning::

 Whoever organized that truckers' protest on Parliament Hill didn't quite think it through.

They should have cut off all deliveries to Ottawa. About three days without food, supplies, garbage pickup and toilet paper would have got the top politicians out of hiding real quick.

Saturday 22 January 2022

Vaxx Faxx?

Favorite Interviewer Steve Paikin usually has good, well-managed discussions going. Lately it's been Covid.

Whether vaxx holdouts should be forced to get poked drew some strong opinions. What it showed more than anything else is that the line between a democratic society and an intolerant one is thin.

Two of his guests were inclined to let the individual decide. The other two exhibited tendencies that haven't been seen since the 1940s in occupied Europe. 

One claim was that hospitals were plugged with unvaccinated people because of Covid. Another claim was that the unvaxxed were mostly uneducated foreigners clinging to religious restrictions. 

The fact that a significant percentage of Covid patients are fully vaccinated did not come up. If it did, I missed it.

Thursday 6 January 2022

Omicron Key?

Question: Does the Omicron variant increase the natural resistance to Covid in the people it infects?

Wouldn't it be interesting if it made its hosts immune to further infection? 

Will the medical research community pursue any valid statistical evidence on this question?

Past plagues ended abruptly with scant medical intervention. Maybe Omicron is the key to this one..

Sunday 2 January 2022

On de fence:

 Devilishly clevah of our PM to appoint a lawyer with zero military experience to the top military post. She replaces a guy who's been serving the country through many tough campaigns.

All of us ought to be confident now that if someone should threaten Canada, we will be safe in the arms of the judiciary. Our post-national government will simply throw itself upon the mercy of the judicial types at the United Nations.

Why didn't someone think of this before WWII? Had Mackenzie King been on the ball, he could have sicked his legal beagles on Adolf Hitler and proceeded to sue the ass off that guy.

Think how much ammunition we could have saved..