

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Freedoms Abused:

It's widely reported how our handsome young PM was highly perturbed at the reception he got at a Liberal election funding rally in BC. He backed out, accusing the protesters of ignoring the rights of the individual to protest in Canada.

Apparently, it did not occur to him that the rights to protest in BC were just as important as the rights of the trucking convoy were in Ottawa just a month earlier.

This time he did not threaten to call out the army.

Sunday 22 May 2022

Question:TV or not TV?

Settled in for an evening of marginal video entertainment wnen the picture fractured to a multicolored mush.

Tried all the channels and the arcane electronic trickery that usually brings results. Nothing.

Who to blame? Covid? Those evil White Supremacists? Or maybe Putin, that mad Russian remnant from the Soviet era? 

That's precisely the kind of thing his accomplices in the Kremlin would try to do to get the attention of those meddlesome westerners. Maybe now's a real good time for them to show off superior Russki electronic technology.

What about the internet? Jamming the video channels only would still leave us access to the social media. Frightening thought.

Dashed up the stairs and triggered the mouse on my desk. The net immediately sprang to life. 

What a relief! So now it will be unnecessary for us to re-learn how to make innocent personal chit-chat.

The idea that eventually we might have been reduced to actually having to read something was almost too frightening to think about..

Thursday 12 May 2022

Poor Putin:

 Poor Putin. He doesn't know how to back out of the mess he's allowed himself to be maneuvered into by his Kremlin associates.

It's not a small problem. There's always the thought that in order to save face, he might decide to resort to nuclear weaponry.

The thought that the health of our planet might depend on the state of health of the minds making critical decisions in the Kremlin can be pretty scary. 

Just starting that war was a pretty scary decision.

Sunday 8 May 2022

Info for Sale??

Parliament Hill  appears uncomfortable with what's being said about them on social media. It seems what's said there is viewed as highly uncomplimentary. 

Is this the first time our leaders find themselves being confronted with what the people who elected them actually think?

Were they not exposed to public sentiment through the mainstream media (free press) over the years? What's the difference?

Is it easier for people to complain about their leadership on social media than in person?

Could be the difference between mainsteam and social media is that social media is not for sale. Few people appear to be holding back for fear that they will lose favour with advertisers and politicians.