

Friday 16 June 2017

The Enemy Within:

Recent events in the US prove that the Americans really don't need to fear immature dictators like Kim Jong-Un or the belligerents in the Persian Gulf as much as the media types in their own capital.

The recent attempts to kill politicians on ball fields were easy to predict. The Washington media was suggesting it all along. This manufactured news was being copied to social media by editors bereft of rational thought.

Articles unrelated to current news events copied to social media discussed the killings of American presidents in the past and were followed up by some genius with a piece on presidents who were able to avoid being shot. 

If that wasn't meant to inspire some messed up goof with a gun to take a shot at the newly-elected president, then we're misreading the intent.

It got to the point where it becomes easy to write off as seditious nonsense things written by someone from the Washington or New York media.

Nor are the cartoons any better. Most political artists are good at conveying political commentary through art. That's their job. Some excel in the art part, others in illustrating a point without type. Some are good at both. The one at the Washington Post shows neither skill.

The cartoons we've seen appear to be drawn with malice, clearly meant to insult and ridicule. No sign of brilliance nor even competence.

Keep that up long enough, and these "journalists" will load the potential for another American civil war, this time between the politically correct lefties and the part of the electorate described as "Deplorables" by Hillary Clinton.

It isn't Trump who will be viewed as the laughing stock in the outside world. It's the malicious lefty media that didn't have the smarts to quit while ahead.

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