

Thursday 8 June 2017

Trump's Tour:

Donald Trump's tour of Europe has had the desired effect. It has stirred up enough controversy among continental politicians to show that it is not going to be business as usual.

Complacent politicians in Europe and the United Nations are now obliged to stop and re-think where they have been heading over years on cruise control.

It took an outsider to jolt the smug, elite chattering classes into a new awareness. They now need to re-think an elaborate fiction. It is now time to re-examine the notion that significant human-generated environmental degradation has resulted in global warming, and can be corrected only by massive investment into green energy.

This comes in the form of costly and inefficient windmills and solar panels, and somehow ignores hydro, the greenest of all green energies. 

It is becoming increasingly evident that global warming is a fictitious issue that has been nurtured by politicians like Al Gore and is designed to give them something they can bargain votes and taxes on easily and possibly offer potential for lucrative investments for political insiders and well-heeled friends.

Look at how much green electricity is costing the Ontario taxpayers. There is no better example anywhere of how this global warming propaganda can be abused by politicians.

The environmental movement as it now stands does nothing for the environment. Zero. It has probably done wonders for the investment portfolios for people like Al Gore, David Suzuki, Kathleen Wynn and Dalton McGuilty.

To Trump, the idea that decisions at the United Nations or the European huddle can result in increased costs for American taxpayers is not a very good one. And he's right. It should be looked into. Even the most narrowly-focused lefties should be able to grasp that one.

Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do. Hopefully, it will not take too long before ordinary people begin to see the merits of what needs to be done.

There are many swamps that need to be drained before the human species is once again allowed to evolve toward a productive future. Trump has served notice that neither the United Nations nor the European political huddle has all the answers.

Let's hope it doesn't take too long for this to become obvious to everyone.

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