

Sunday 12 May 2019

Deep in the Heart of Taxes:

It is important for us to understand that every time the politicians raise our taxes, they get to spend a little more of our money. That's money we earn through our own effort, but do not get to spend.

Voters with a leftward list in their political postures will argue that this is okay, probably because they are either unemployed or planning to become so as soon as their guy is elected.

One has to wonder at the thought processes of leaders like Justin Trudeau and Andrea Horwath whose political philosophy appears to be to tax industry out of existence because they make too much money, apparently leaving too little for the employees (read voters).

The truth is the opposite. Industry provides jobs. It's the politicians that grab an ever-increasing share of the paycheck, sometimes on the flimsiest of excuses, like preventing the climate from changing. 

Since no industry means no jobs, what exactly is the next move? Is it to put all industry in the hands of the politicians? That's been tried before by various socialist and communist governments and found to be highly unproductive. Politicians and their bureaucrats make lousy industrialists.

Justin Trudeau's carbon tax will put the government's hands still deeper into the pockets of working people on the ridiculous notion that they can do something about the earth's climate.

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