

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Free Speech Denied:

Apparently, Senator Lynne Beyak is being denied her right to speak her mind by an overly-zealous ethics committee on Parliament Hill.

She is being censured for stating what should be obvious to anyone who has been following the evolution of events related to the aboriginal mission schools.

Apparently, Parliament Hill's ethics gurus feel that Sen. Beyak has gone too far in stating what she thinks of how aboriginal children have been handled. They want to re-programme her to see things more in line with modern group-think.. 

It seems Beyak showed concern that the media tended to ignore mission school graduates who took what they learned there and went ahead and made a success of their lives..

It seems the media, as is usually the case, concentrated on all the sensational negatives and ignored the less controversial positives when it came to mission school graduates.

The fact that there are more aboriginal offspring in social care today than there were in the residential schools is what  probably prompts Sen. Beyak's concerns, as well it should. 

It would appear what needs censuring is not Sen. Beyak's thoughts, but the attitudes of members of that parliamentary ethics committee who tend to behave like immature university kids who accept free speech only when they agree with what is being said.

Canadians who grew up with the understanding that free speech was the norm in our democracy would probably see nothing wrong with Sen. Beyak's concerns. 

Similarly, they would view nothing right in the behaviour of ethics committee members Raynell Andreychuk and Serge Joyal. This pair seems badly in need of re-education as to the definition of Free Speech or have their asses booted out the door on Parliament Hill. 

Let's not wait until the fall election.

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