

Friday, 22 November 2019

New Science?

The man-made global warming and climate change cult festering in our social consciousness today is making climate science look like something loosely put together in an animation studio in Hollywood.

When the CBC and CTV publish numbers like 150,000 scientists all bunching up to declare with one voice that the sky is falling, you know it's not science. It's political propaganda aimed at limited intellects like school children and the adults they are exposed to.

Science at one time was in the hands of people with formally recognized ability to think things through to a logical conclusion. At least that is what we used to think.

This appears to be no longer the case. When scientists bunch up in a herd to collectively issue highly suspect conclusions, we are prompted to think that academic degrees today are handed out like peanuts. 

And it's the politicians who have a hand in who qualifies. It's the politicians who control the research grants which many people engaged in climate science need in order to be employed.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Prince Andrew:

If ever there was a male in the Royal household likely to do what comes naturally, certainly it would be Andrew. And that's a negative only in today's sick social consciousness.

So the tight-assed attitudes of charities Andrew was associated with are rejecting him because he knew someone who was accused of doing things nice guys should not be caught doing? Wow!

Should he lose much sleep over this highly media-hyped PR disaster?

No, he should not. He should see this as a chance to get out of the highly transparent royal fish bowl and live the rest of his days in peace and privacy. To hell with the BBC, public opinion and all the rest of today's media-hyped politically correct phoniness that goes with it. 

Someone has to take the chance to show Brexit how it's done..

Go for it, Andrew.

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Behind the Scenes:

If someone's fighting to get into the Middle East, Central America, or other third-world countries, it hasn't been reported in the media. 

It's western democracies like the US, Canada and continental Europe that are being invaded by hordes of "refugees" risking life to escape societies that produce more people than their systems can handle.

What's wrong here? Are we destined to be overrun by people from unsuccessful societies, conquered without firing a shot? 

What is it that prevents western democracies from reproducing and/or maintaining their own populations? Do we need another world war to  produce another Baby Boomer generation?

Has Ma Nature applied the brakes on human infestations in cities like Toronto? Is the tendency for people to come out of the closet lately a symptom? 

Is it because we have devalued parenthood and glorified a self-indulgent lifestyle in the media, making it preferable to become just office furniture or factory floor assists to robotic machinery with no room in our lives for children? 

current social attitudes in our western democracies an unintended result of our human rights charters? Or were they intended?

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Boris Johnson:

Britain's PM is one interesting character. They haven't really had one like him since Winston Churchill.

If there's anyone capable of taking the Brits out of the soul-stifling European huddle, he's the one. 

What'll it be?

The media seems worried how Trudeau will use his reduced government to try correct his massive foul-ups between the Eastern and the Western ends of the country.

My bet is that he will do nothing. He's focused purely and single-mindedly on saving the earth by destroying Canada's industry.

But before he can carry on that great work, he will have to form a government, and governments need responsible ministries with responsible ministers in charge.

The question has to be asked, will young Trudeau once again pick ministers by gender, or has he learned enough to consider actual experience and qualifications?

Trudeau favored women in his first cabinet. Apparently, in his view, women were incapable of qualifying for the ministries on their own merits and needed to be favoured by him.

Trudeau also fiddled around with the laws regarding people's rights to invade private properties to steal and damage things. Apparently, this was inspired by incidents in Saskatchewan and Ontario where farmers caught trespassers and shots were fired with some injuries.

Trudeau is said to have decided to make it easier for indigenous criminals to do things like that without suffering the same consequences as ordinary Canadians when caught.

So it remains to be seen if our prime Minister still sees women and aborigines as not quite capable of navigating successfully on their own in our society without his help.