

Wednesday 6 November 2019

What'll it be?

The media seems worried how Trudeau will use his reduced government to try correct his massive foul-ups between the Eastern and the Western ends of the country.

My bet is that he will do nothing. He's focused purely and single-mindedly on saving the earth by destroying Canada's industry.

But before he can carry on that great work, he will have to form a government, and governments need responsible ministries with responsible ministers in charge.

The question has to be asked, will young Trudeau once again pick ministers by gender, or has he learned enough to consider actual experience and qualifications?

Trudeau favored women in his first cabinet. Apparently, in his view, women were incapable of qualifying for the ministries on their own merits and needed to be favoured by him.

Trudeau also fiddled around with the laws regarding people's rights to invade private properties to steal and damage things. Apparently, this was inspired by incidents in Saskatchewan and Ontario where farmers caught trespassers and shots were fired with some injuries.

Trudeau is said to have decided to make it easier for indigenous criminals to do things like that without suffering the same consequences as ordinary Canadians when caught.

So it remains to be seen if our prime Minister still sees women and aborigines as not quite capable of navigating successfully on their own in our society without his help.

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