

Sunday 17 November 2019

Behind the Scenes:

If someone's fighting to get into the Middle East, Central America, or other third-world countries, it hasn't been reported in the media. 

It's western democracies like the US, Canada and continental Europe that are being invaded by hordes of "refugees" risking life to escape societies that produce more people than their systems can handle.

What's wrong here? Are we destined to be overrun by people from unsuccessful societies, conquered without firing a shot? 

What is it that prevents western democracies from reproducing and/or maintaining their own populations? Do we need another world war to  produce another Baby Boomer generation?

Has Ma Nature applied the brakes on human infestations in cities like Toronto? Is the tendency for people to come out of the closet lately a symptom? 

Is it because we have devalued parenthood and glorified a self-indulgent lifestyle in the media, making it preferable to become just office furniture or factory floor assists to robotic machinery with no room in our lives for children? 

current social attitudes in our western democracies an unintended result of our human rights charters? Or were they intended?

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